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[ dee-mos ] / ˈdi mɒs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR demos ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe common people of an ancient Greek state. the common people; populace. Sociology. a people viewed as a political unit. Origin of demos1770–80; <Greek dêmos district, people; cf. demo- Words nearby demosdemonstrator, demonym, demoralize, De Morgan, De Morgan's laws, demos, demoscene, Demosthenes, demote, demothball, demotic Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for demosSo he had demos made and touted them round the record companies; he pleaded and spieled and harangued. What It Was Like to Watch the Beatles Become the Beatles—Nik Cohn Remembers|Nik Cohn|February 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST I do karaoke singing, and I write songs a lot, and I do demos and sing them. Is Mick Jagger Too Old to Rock?|Andrew Romano|July 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST The latter will now go head to head with Fox's Fringe, a risky proposition given the overlap in demos. TV Upfronts 2012: NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and the CW Announce Schedules|Jace Lacob, Maria Elena Fernandez|May 17, 2012|DAILY BEAST He is Senior Fellow at Demos, a non-partisan national think tank. Is Obama Anti-American?|Rich Benjamin|September 21, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Dylan duly made his demos, and they made the rounds—only he also released his own records of the songs he wrote. New Dylan Recordings Unveiled|Sean Wilentz|August 24, 2010|DAILY BEAST He's hopelessly behind the times, of course, because Demos is in fetters now. Non-combatants and Others|Rose Macaulay When the crowd heard the words of Demos there was a great shouting and clapping of hands. The Life of a Celebrated Buccaneer|Richard Clynton At the same time she knows that Demos has the last word, and she spends her time in the old see-saw between threats and cajolery. The Coryston Family|Mrs. Humphry Ward Demos became a most attentive listener and he liked the tack the carpenter was on. The Life of a Celebrated Buccaneer|Richard Clynton We know that the chorus-leader was a public officer, appointed by the demos, and had to be over forty years old. Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals|Thomas Davidson
British Dictionary definitions for demos
nounthe people of a nation regarded as a political unit rare the common people; masses Word Origin for demosC19: from Greek: the populace; see deme Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to demostryout, demo, album, disk, trial, audience, reading, hearing, commonality, proletariat, masses, society, rabble, mob, commonalty, public, multitude, plebs, plebeians, try on |