verb (used with object),de·mys·ti·fied,de·mys·ti·fy·ing.
to rid of mystery or obscurity; clarify: to demystify medical procedures.
Origin of demystify
First recorded in 1960–65; de- + mystify
Words nearby demystify
demutualize, demy, demyelinate, demyelinating disease, demyelination, demystify, demythologize, den, Denali, Denali National Park, Denali National Park and Preserve
A series of infographics and videos accompany the index to explain and demystify hydrogen fuel across a range of themes and issues.
‘Bullish that it will be higher’: Bloomberg Media Studios has grown revenue 30% year-on-year|Lucinda Southern|October 15, 2020|Digiday
Today, in the pages of Science and Science Advances, an army of researchers share the history of Bennu that they’ve managed to piece together so far—a story that may eventually help demystify our humble origins.
Local asteroid Bennu used to be filled with tiny rivers|Charlie Wood|October 8, 2020|Popular Science
Being transparent about the effects applied can help to demystify the sometimes subtle tweaks that face retouching filters are making to our photos.
Google takes aim at ‘beauty filters’ with design changes coming to Pixel phones|Sarah Perez|October 1, 2020|TechCrunch
Since good advice is always better than a bad metaphor, we reached out to Brooklyn Track Club head coach Steve Finley to demystify the tempo run and give us a few workout suggestions.
Why You Need to Master the Tempo Run|Martin Fritz Huber|October 1, 2020|Outside Online
Less than a month later, it is demystifying its controversial H-1B visa suspension.
The Trump administration has made exceptions to work visa bans—but conditions apply|Ananya Bhattacharya|August 13, 2020|Quartz
Over the years I have had a desire to demystify wines for myself and others.
William Shatner Picks His Favorite Wines|William Shatner|July 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But we should try to demystify the military, and understand that many of its problems are not so unique.
Let’s Put Things in Perspective: You’re Still Safer on a Military Base|Robert Beckhusen|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She conveys the ugliest things with matter-of-factness, helping to demystify death.
Death Became Her: Molly Lefebure’s Wartime Years of Murder and Suicide|Tim Teeman|April 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The aim of the exercise, which will include critical introductions, is to "demystify" its messages.