Nonetheless, Win at All Costs often feels less like an exposé than an attempt to fuse previously published reporting into a macro-narrative about how there’s something rotten in the state of Beaverton.
A New Book on Nike Pulls No Punches|Martin Fritz Huber|October 2, 2020|Outside Online
At Bumpass Hell in California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park, the ground is literally boiling, and the aroma of rotten eggs fills the air.
Life on Earth may have begun in hostile hot springs|Jack J. Lee|September 24, 2020|Science News
They let our ancestors “sniff out rotten food or potential poisons,” she explains.
Stinky success: Scientists identify the chemistry of B.O.|Alison Pearce Stevens|September 15, 2020|Science News For Students
THL is not just a single bad apple but part of an expansive industry that’s rotten to its core.
Why the Democratic Party must make a clean break with Wall Street|matthewheimer|September 8, 2020|Fortune
Reports out of Los Angeles indicate mail delays have led to rotten food and even dead animals.
Info About Local Post Office Operations Is Conflicting and Hard to Come By|Ashly McGlone and Kate Nucci|August 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
It has grown from a rotten root—striving to replace human judgment with detailed dictates.
Red Tape Is Strangling Good Samaritans|Philip K. Howard|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Which to me, after the initial explosion of the Sex Pistols, always made Rotten kind of boring.
The Rancid Ballad of Johnny Rotten: His Memoir Seethes With Anger—And Charm|Legs McNeil|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Yeonmi had been hospitalized at the time for a stomach illness, likely from her diet of rotten potatoes.
How ‘Titanic ’Helped This Brave Young Woman Escape North Korea’s Totalitarian State|Lizzie Crocker|October 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Fittingly to that point, its Rotten Tomato score (as of Tuesday evening) was a flat 50 percent.
‘Selfie’ Is Both a Brilliant and Terrible TV Show|Kevin Fallon|September 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They know this is a rotten deal and they are demoralized, running faster and faster with no hope of catching up.
Why Your Doctor Feels Like a 'Beaten Dog'|Daniela Drake|September 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She really was a splendid animal, unhurt either by excessive work or—as many modern mothers are—by a rotten fashionable life.
Here and Hereafter|Barry Pain
Why should not a bit of rotten malaria act in a similar manner within the human frame?
Fragments of science, V. 1-2|John Tyndall
After the burial of the rotten boroughs came the railway, and a long time after the railway the artists and authors.
Highways and Byways in Surrey|Eric Parker
The examination of rotten sheep is not altogether free from danger.
Parasites|T. Spencer Cobbold
They are built on piles of wood, running out to some distance in the water, and covered with rotten, black-looking boards.
Life in the Clearings versus the Bush|Susanna Moodie
British Dictionary definitions for rotten
/ (ˈrɒtən) /
affected with rot; decomposing, decaying, or putrid
breaking up, esp through age or hard use; disintegratingrotten ironwork
morally despicable or corrupt
untrustworthy, disloyal, or treacherous
informalunpleasant, unfortunate, or nastyrotten luck; rotten weather
informalunsatisfactory or poorrotten workmanship
informalmiserably unwell
informaldistressed, uncomfortable, and embarrassedI felt rotten when I told him to go
(of rocks, soils, etc) soft and crumbling, esp as a result of weathering
slang, mainlyAustralian and NZintoxicated; drunk
extremely; very muchmen fancy her rotten
Derived forms of rotten
rottenly, adverbrottenness, noun
Word Origin for rotten
C13: from Old Norse rottin; related to Old English rotian to rot1