It’s thought that different visceral and subcutaneous fat depots develop from different precursor cells – cells that can become fat cells.
Belly Fat Linked To Higher Risk Of Premature Death, Regardless Of Your Weight|LGBTQ-Editor|October 5, 2020|No Straight News
This means more fat will be stored in the less safe visceral depots.
Belly Fat Linked To Higher Risk Of Premature Death, Regardless Of Your Weight|LGBTQ-Editor|October 5, 2020|No Straight News
The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Water Board, which regulates local water quality, charged gasoline giant Kinder Morgan Energy Partners with cleanup after the company bought the fuel depot in 1998.
Pursuing Independent Water Sources, San Diego Ignores One Beneath Its Feet|MacKenzie Elmer|September 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Only a few years earlier, it had pushed the Navy to create a coal depot here.
Fire on the Bay: 115 Years Ago This Month, a Deadly Explosion Rocked a Navy Ship|Randy Dotinga|July 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
This was the one-room studio in Mill Valley, California near The Depot.
Don Carpenter Was a Novelist Both Lacerating and Forgiving|Louis B. Jones|July 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sessions were well received, and before long they were executed on a larger scale with every recruit company in the Depot.
A Proactive New Response to the Service-Member Suicide Crisis|Marjorie Morrison|November 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Just as the train was pulling out of the depot the boys heard some one yelling at them.
The Motor Boys in Strange Waters|Clarence Young
"I saw you hiding about in the depot at home last evening," she went on.
The Damnation of Theron Ware|Harold Frederic
The boys welcomed the show train at the depot and ran alongside its various sections.
Back Home|Irvin S. Cobb
I was agreeably surprised to find vehicles at the depot, waiting to carry passengers to the different hotels.
Overland Tales|Josephine Clifford
Recruits are usually first trained at the depot and later transferred to the battalion requiring them.
The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 2|Various
British Dictionary definitions for depot
/ (ˈdɛpəʊ, USCanadianˈdiːpəʊ) /
a storehouse or warehouse
a store for supplies
a training and holding centre for recruits and replacements
mainlyBritisha building used for the storage and servicing of buses or railway engines
US and Canadian
a bus or railway station
(as modifier)a depot manager
(of a drug or drug dose) designed for gradual release from the site of an injection so as to act over a long period
Word Origin for depot
C18: from French dépôt, from Latin dēpositum a deposit, trust