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[ det-n-ey-ter ] / ˈdɛt nˌeɪ tər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR detonator ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna device, as a percussion cap, used to make another substance explode. something that explodes. Origin of detonatorFirst recorded in 1815–25; detonate + -or2 Words nearby detonatordet. in dup., detinue, Detmold, detonate, detonation, detonator, detour, detox, detoxicate, detoxification, detoxification centre Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for detonatorI was the one to trigger the detonator, and for that I take full responsibility. Hell Hath No Fury Like Valerie Trierweiler, the French President’s Ex|Lizzie Crocker|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST “I press the detonator and I am the only one responsible,” Trierweiler writes of the tweet, as excerpted Wednesday in Le Monde. Hollande's Jilted Lover Valerie Trierweiler Tells All|Tracy McNicoll|September 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST After agents went into the van and confirmed that the detonator had been activated, they arrested him. New York Terror Plot: Why Target the Fed?|Daniel Gross|October 18, 2012|DAILY BEAST I like to say that I was like a bomb but the detonator was missing. Claude Lanzmann on 'Shoah', His Memoir, and the Banality of Evil|Clémence Boulouque|June 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST
I have no control over the detonator, for it is not a suicide device. Check and Checkmate|Walter Miller The 'detonator' to produce the shock is set into the explosive. The New Gresham Encyclopedia|Various The gelatine did not, however, explode, the only report being that of the detonator. Scientific American Supplement, No. 620, November 19,1887|Various In the early nineties I was experimenting with a new fulminate compound as a detonator for fuzes in high explosive projectiles. Dynamite Stories|Hudson Maxim But this is only a single barrel, and an old-fashioned sort of detonator. Night and Morning, Complete|Edward Bulwer-Lytton
British Dictionary definitions for detonator
nouna small amount of explosive, as in a percussion cap, used to initiate a larger explosion a device, such as an electrical generator, used to set off an explosion from a distance a substance or object that explodes or is capable of exploding Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to detonatorbomb, mine, booby trap, missile, powder, ammunition, munition, dynamite, gunpowder, grease, shot, grenade, charge, shell, fireworks, soup, nitroglycerin, pineapple, mulligan, propellant |