单词 | deuce |
释义 | deuce1[ doos, dyoos ] / dus, dyus / SEE SYNONYMS FOR deuce ON THESAURUS.COM nounCards. a card having two pips; a two, or two-spot. Dice.
Tennis. a situation, as a score of 40–40 in a game or 5–5 in a match, in which a player must score two successive points to win the game or two successive games to win the set. Slang.
adjective(especially in games, sports, and gambling) two. Origin of deuce11425–75; late Middle English deus<Anglo-French, Middle French: two <Latin duōs (masculine accusative of duo) Words nearby deucedetruncate, detrusion, detrusor, detumescence, Deucalion, deuce, deuce court, deuced, deucedly, deuces wild, deunionize Definition for deuce (2 of 2)deuce2 [ doos, dyoos ] / dus, dyus / noundevil; dickens (used as a mild oath): Where the deuce did they hide it? Origin of deuce2First recorded in 1645–55; apparently to be identified with deuce1 Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for deuceBritish Dictionary definitions for deuce (1 of 2)deuce1 / (djuːs) / noun
tennis a tied score (in tennis 40-all) that requires one player to gain two successive points to win the game Word Origin for deuceC15: from Old French deus two, from Latin duos, accusative masculine of duo two British Dictionary definitions for deuce (2 of 2)deuce2 / (djuːs) informal / interjectionan expression of annoyance or frustration nounthe deuce (intensifier) used in such phrases as what the deuce, where the deuce, etc Word Origin for deuceC17: probably special use of deuce 1 (in the sense: lowest throw at dice) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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