释义 |
[ doi-cher ] / ˈdɔɪ tʃər /
nounIsaac, 1907–1967, English journalist and author, born in Poland. Words nearby Deutscherdeuto-, deuton, deutoplasm, Deutsch, Deutsche mark, Deutscher, Deutschland, Deutschmark, deutzia, Deux-Sèvres, dev Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for DeutscherThat thieving Deutscher who runs the schooner we had in port over-night told me this not an hour ago. The Argus Pheasant|John Charles Beecham Get the volumes of a very cheap publication—the "Deutscher Novellenschatz." George Eliot's Life, Vol. III (of 3)|George Eliot Three-quarters of 'em hate the war, and infinitely prefer the Britisher to the Deutscher.' On Land And Sea At The Dardanelles|Thomas Charles Bridges "Deutscher, Deutscher," he cried, pointing to the Gothic type. "And they thought we wouldn't fight"|Floyd Gibbons