In turn, this leads to devalued audiences and lower revenue since the adtech companies in the RTB system can target high-value news audiences without paying news outlets.
IAB Europe’s ad tracking consent framework found to fail GDPR standard|Natasha Lomas|October 16, 2020|TechCrunch
The proposed point system, in effect, devalues parkland, and would predictably lead to few or no new parks and sports fields.
New Plan for City Parks Misses the Point|Deborah Sharpe, Howard Greenstein and Jeff Harkness|July 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Boys are taught early in life to devalue care, to be hyper-competitive, super-achieving men.
How Good Dads Can Change the World|Gary Barker, PhD, Michael Kaufman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
In its place came something which, striving to fuse Urdu and Telugu, seemed to devalue both.
India’s Newest State Telangana Is Bosnia Redux|Kranti Rai|March 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rosen undoubtedly did not intend to devalue women with her comments.
Hilary Rosen Feud: Give Ann Romney a Break!|Kirsten Powers|April 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST
We devalue the significance of memory in order to cope with the fact that our gadgets are now better at it than we are.
How We Lost Our Memory|Casey Schwartz|March 2, 2011|DAILY BEAST
They propose that we pressure China to improve its human-rights policy, or to get tougher on Iran, or to devalue its currency.
Finally Some Straight Talk on the Deficit|Peter Beinart|February 23, 2009|DAILY BEAST
If they really decide to devalue, then Whitely and me, we go ahead and put every cent we got into Swiss gold.
The Common Man|Guy McCord (AKA Dallas McCord Reynolds)