[ kan-tang -ker-uh s ] SHOW IPA
/ kænˈtæŋ kər əs / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective disagreeable to deal with; contentious; peevish: a cantankerous, argumentative man.
Origin of cantankerous First recorded in 1765–75; origin uncertain; earlier contankerous , perhaps derivation of Middle English contack, conteck “quarrel, contention,” from Anglo-French contek, formed on the models of contentious, rancorous
OTHER WORDS FROM cantankerous can·tan·ker·ous·ly, adverb can·tan·ker·ous·ness, noun Words nearby cantankerous Cantabrigian, Cantal, cantala, cantalever, cantaloupe, cantankerous , cantar, cantata, cantatrice, can't but, can't complain
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cantankerous To Chicago he was still two-fisted, hard-drinking, cantankerous .
The Stacks: John Schulian’s Classic Profile of Newspaper Columnist Mike Royko | John Schulian| January 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I still remember how disappointed I was by this cantankerous book.
The Smartest Book About Our Digital Age Was Published in 1929 | Ted Gioia| January 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
First up, a classic profile of the cantankerous but lovable Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko.
The Stacks: John Schulian’s Classic Profile of Newspaper Columnist Mike Royko | John Schulian| January 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The most dangerous animal to encounter when walking, I discovered, is not a lion but a cantankerous male buffalo.
Walking With Wildebeests: Exploring the Serengeti on Foot | Joanna Eede| July 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
It was ugly, cantankerous , simple enough for any farmhand to understand and fix, and indomitable.
The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Henry Ford | Richard Snow| May 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
"A cantankerous old woman," I remember he had called her on that occasion, and had made no further effort to propitiate her.
Esther | Rosa Nouchette Carey
But this most cantankerous knight is not touched off with the completeness of Dalgetty, or even of Claud Halcro.
Sir Walter Scott | George Saintsbury
Benvolio, a cantankerous , disputatious gentleman in "Romeo and Juliet."
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia | Edited by Rev. James Wood
One man seemed inclined to be cantankerous , but we brought it in Misadventure all right.
A Case in Camera | Oliver Onions
"Well, of all cantankerous cranks he is the worst," he would say with a sigh.
In the Midst of Alarms | Robert Barr
British Dictionary definitions for cantankerous
Derived forms of cantankerous cantankerously , adverb cantankerousness , noun Word Origin for cantankerous C18: perhaps from C14 (obsolete) conteckour a contentious person, from conteck strife, from Anglo-French contek, of obscure origin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Content related to cantankerous Words That Every Aries Should KnowTurbulent Aries is the perfect sign to usher in spring, a time of rebirth, change, and growth. Here are some fiery words for the fired-up Aries in your life.
Words related to cantankerous dour, grouchy, testy, quarrelsome, cranky, prickly, grumpy, irascible, bad-tempered, captious, choleric, contrary, critical, cross, crotchety, crusty, disagreeable, huffy, ill-natured, irritable