With directions from police, Lindsey and his boss were able to make it to safety.
Frat Culture Clashes With Riot Police at Keene, N.H., Pumpkin Festival|Melanie Plenda|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And that's why nearly all speculation, learned or otherwise, about the future directions of jazz is always futile.
The Stacks: John Coltrane’s Mighty Musical Quest|Nat Hentoff|October 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Growing up, you used to have to do things like ask people for directions instead of just looking it up on your smartphone.
Jeremy Renner Opens Up About Marriage, His Problems with the Media, and the Future of Hawk-Eye|Marlow Stern|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The acts ranged from the mundane to the unexpected: Assisted a tourist with directions because he looked lost.
It’s Official: Religion Doesn’t Make You More Moral|Elizabeth Picciuto|September 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The exploding bombs and gunpowder leveled every structure for hundreds of yards in all directions.
Atlanta’s Fall Foretold The End Of Civil War Bloodshed|Marc Wortman|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He was not at home, and I asked his clerk, to give me directions to some other spiritualist.
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism|Andrew B. Smolnikar
Poor innocent Euneece had followed me to the hotel, and had got her directions, as I had got mine.
The Legacy of Cain|Wilkie Collins
If I was given the post, Colles was bound to consider what I had said in my earlier letter and give me some directions.
Prester John|John Buchan
If you will follow my directions John will consider you his friend.
An Oregon Girl|Alfred Ernest Rice
But the pack-horses are less tractable, and dance and pirouette in all directions till the noise is over.
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 681, January 13, 1877.|Various
/ (dɪˈrɛkʃənz, daɪ-) /
pl n
(sometimes singular)instructions for doing something or for reaching a place
Words nearby directions
directional microphone, direction angle, direction cosine, direction finder, direction number, directions, directive, direct labor, direct labour, direct lighting, directly