[ dis-in-tuh -grey -shuh n ] SHOW IPA
/ dɪsˌɪn təˈgreɪ ʃən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the act or process of disintegrating.
Physics . radioactive decay.
Origin of disintegration First recorded in 1790–1800; disintegrate + -ion
OTHER WORDS FROM disintegration non·dis·in·te·gra·tion, noun Words nearby disintegration disinherit, disinhibition, disinhume, disinsertion, disintegrate, disintegration , disintegration constant, disinter, disinterest, disinterested, disintermediation
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for disintegration It is age—you are growing old—but you sense that the disintegration runs deeper.
The first murder | Katie McLean| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
Expecting that disintegration process to be gentle would be ignoring history.
Why Is This Man Running for President? (Ep. 362 Update) | Stephen J. Dubner| December 19, 2019| Freakonomics
“That would be a big step forward in the disintegration of the European Union,” Soros said.
George Soros Predicts Ukraine Could Ruin The EU | Nico Hines| March 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Absent a cohesive political strategy, the likely outcome is disintegration —and chaos.
Why Egypt Is Too Big to Fail | Rep. Jane Harman| June 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
This formula—"you're sovereign, so you're responsible"—is a recipe for disintegration .
Can The Peace Camp Cope With 'Fragility'? | Bernard Avishai| May 13, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Last month I warned that the disintegration of the European Union was more likely than the death of the euro.
Niall Ferguson: Great Britain Saves Itself by Rejecting the EU | Niall Ferguson| December 10, 2011| DAILY BEAST
The energy of disintegration is used to drive the generators of the artificial gravity field, and there you are.
Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930 | Various
The rout and disintegration of Gillem's command was complete.
History of Morgan's Cavalry | Basil W. Duke
Time for their disintegration is necessary before they can be brought under cultivation, and this is a matter of years.
The San Francisco Calamity | Various
Rosmersholm and the Rosmer ideals had begun their work of denudation and disintegration .
Iconoclasts | James Huneker
Still the process of disintegration and reintegration proceeded.
The Evolution of States | J. M. Robertson
Words related to disintegration dissolution, fragmentation, putrefaction, demoralization, decentralization
Medical definitions for disintegration n. The breaking up of the component parts of a substance, as in catabolism or decay.
The disorganization or disruption of mental processes in mental illness.
The natural or induced transformation of an atomic nucleus from a more massive to a less massive configuration by the emission of particles or radiation.
Other words from disintegration dis•in′ te•grate′ v. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.