[ dis-ruhp -tiv ] SHOW IPA
adjective causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting: the disruptive effect of their rioting.
Business . relating to or noting a new product, service, or idea that radically changes an industry or business strategy, especially by creating a new market and disrupting an existing one: disruptive innovations such as the cell phone and the two-year community college. relating to or noting a business executive or company that introduces or is receptive to such innovation: disruptive CEOs with imagination and vision. Origin of disruptive First recorded in 1835–45; disrupt + -ive
OTHER WORDS FROM disruptive dis·rup·tive·ly, adverb dis·rup·tive·ness, noun non·dis·rup·tive, adjective Words nearby disruptive disrespectful, disrobe, disroot, disrupt, disruption, disruptive , disruptive discharge, disrupture, diss, dissatisfaction, dissatisfactory
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for disruptive In the past year since the directorate was launched, the NSA called out nation-state hackers, warned of new strains of disruptive malware and advised on how to patch or mitigate major vulnerabilities.
NSA’s Anne Neuberger to talk cybersecurity at Disrupt 2020 | Zack Whittaker| September 4, 2020| TechCrunch
It might be a little less bright, but for all intents and purposes, it’s just as disruptive to astronomical observations—for potentially the entire night.
Satellite mega-constellations risk ruining astronomy forever | Neel Patel| September 2, 2020| MIT Technology Review
However, it could also be disruptive of the review economy in a very positive way.
Apple Ratings is coming to iOS 14, how disruptive will it be? | Greg Sterling| September 1, 2020| Search Engine Land
The pandemic’s disruptive force has spurred transformational change in our organization, as well as in many others.
COVID-19 has spurred rapid transformation in health care. Let’s make sure it stays that way | jakemeth| August 20, 2020| Fortune
Covid-19, however, has been disruptive enough to shake them up, and companies are trying to take advantage.
There are only a few moments in life when buying habits change, and a pandemic is one of them | Marc Bain| August 8, 2020| Quartz
One of the most disruptive forces to the market in recent years is DISH.
New Innovations Let You Watch TV Anywhere You Go | | December 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Uber and Airbnb—the most successful services of their kind—are “disruptive ” innovations.
Inside Uber’s Political War Machine | Olivia Nuzzi| June 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
So she made changes that have transformed the Times online; is that what her critics mean when they allege she was disruptive ?
The Hypocrisy Behind The New York Times’s Abrupt Decapitation of Jill Abramson | Robert Shrum| May 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Cable news could be great conversation if it were willing to be disruptive .
Elizabeth Wurtzel: My Tea Party Mom Loves Al Jazeera America | Elizabeth Wurtzel| September 4, 2013| DAILY BEAST
But the track record of disruptive owners in Japan is pretty dismal.
Japan’s Fiscal Crossroads: Will Abenomics Mean Tougher Changes? | Daniel Gross| July 26, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The strange speech—strange blossom of her disruptive emotion—ended a little short; but that it ended was the principal thing.
Angela's Business | Henry Sydnor Harrison
Curiously enough, children seem to act both against and in favor of these disruptive factors.
The Intelligence of Woman | W. L. George
In a transparent dielectric the conduction must be either electrolytic or disruptive , otherwise light vibrations would be damped.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 | Various
This sudden discharge is said to be disruptive , and it is accompanied by a flash of light and a loud report.
Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity | Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) St. John
Between Miss Flower's and the park, Charles had been briefly unnerved by a disruptive thought.
Angela's Business | Henry Sydnor Harrison
British Dictionary definitions for disruptive adjective involving, causing, or tending to cause disruption
Derived forms of disruptive disruptively , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to disruptive upsetting, disturbing, troublesome, rowdy, unruly, disorderly, obstreperous, unsettling, distracting, off-base, out-of-line, troublemaking