The long-time leader of Europe’s biggest economy was short on comforting words, saying that beating the disease hangs on the uncertain pace of developing and disseminating a vaccine—a process that could take 12 months or more.
‘Things will become more difficult:’ Merkel tries to sell debt-averse Germany on her ambitious COVID spending plan|Bernhard Warner|August 28, 2020|Fortune
Some of the insights shared by our dozens of panelists helped to explain trends or disseminate practical advice, both of which will be crucial to marketers as we move past these first six months of marketing disruption.
Replay: Live with Search Engine Land season wrap-up—COVID and marketing disruption|George Nguyen|August 24, 2020|Search Engine Land
The idea of “self-disseminating” vaccines has floated through epidemiological circles for decades, conceived mainly as a tool for protecting the health of wildlife.
Can Vaccines for Wildlife Prevent Human Pandemics?|Rodrigo Pérez Ortega|August 24, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Because health care — unlike the education system, the first three years of life really don’t have any infrastructure in which to disseminate programs.
Policymaking Is Not a Science (Yet) (Ep. 405)|Stephen J. Dubner|February 13, 2020|Freakonomics
It is legal in the United States to create and disseminate a medical device without FDA approval as long as no money is exchanged.
Honey, I Grew the Economy (Ep. 399)|Stephen J. Dubner|December 5, 2019|Freakonomics
Doctors have a vast platform to investigate, tabulate, and disseminate just how miserable they are.
Study Says Doctors More Burned Out Than Others, But It’s Not Really a Malady|Kent Sepkowitz|August 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Each of these incidents incited the miffed woman to disseminate mild hearsay about my sexual orientation or general oddness.
Grant Stoddard: Men Have It Worse|Grant Stoddard|March 17, 2009|DAILY BEAST
I would rather keep all this in camera than disseminate it to the teeming raptors of the Internet.
Norman Mailer vs. Everyone|Norman Mailer|February 27, 2009|DAILY BEAST
You have therefore, no reason to fear that these belles will be sent to disseminate corruption in your happy island.
Memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud, Complete|Lewis Goldsmith
And in the meantime Rome had begun to disseminate its heritage over Europe.
The Story of Evolution|Joseph McCabe
Hence, as you see, dreams receive and disseminate a mixture871 of simple truth with deceit and error.
Plutarch's Morals|Plutarch
They compete for the good services of the birds or mammals that disseminate their seeds in proper spots for germination.
Science in Arcady|Grant Allen
Several other publications contributed to disseminate enlightened views on trade, manufactures, and the interest of money.