a written essay, treatise, or thesis, especially one written by a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
any formal discourse in speech or writing.
Origin of dissertation
1605–15; <Latin dissertātiōn- (stem of dissertātiō), equivalent to dissertāt(us) (past participle of dissertāre; dissert- (see dissert) + -ātus-ate1) + -iōn--ion
My buba’s lived experience helped shape me into the girl who wrote her college dissertation on the gender pay gap, arguing for equal parental leave for dads and moms, almost 20 years before any major employer implemented any such thing.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing feels like millions of women have lost their bubbie|jakemeth|September 22, 2020|Fortune
In her dissertation, McFate had asked whether ‘good anthropology’ might lead to ‘better killing.’
Send in the Marines—and the Anthropologists too?|John Kael Weston|August 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Heritage has distanced itself from Richwine and his dissertation.
Immigrants’ IQ Lower, Wrote Coathor of Heritage Foundation Report|Jamelle Bouie|May 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
His hilarious parody-fable, “A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig,” traces the supposed genesis of that culinary delicacy.
Phillip Lopate’s Book Bag: The Essay Tradition|Phillip Lopate|February 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It seems to me that every book reminds me of writing a dissertation.
Barbara Kingsolver: How I Write|Noah Charney|December 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He surely was only offering to help out a student with her dissertation when he gave her his card.
Paula Broadwell, FBI Agent?|Michael Daly|November 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Did he think, now, the Bible Society would care to have a dissertation on the two conflicting points?
Egholm and his God|Johannes Buchholtz
Sam and his father both tried then to give Jill a dissertation on tithes.
Jill's Red Bag|Amy Le Feuvre
The signatures and pagination of the Poems and the Dissertation are different.
A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700 (Vol 1 of 3)|Various
There was among the company a man from Adelaide, a learned mineralogist, who commenced a dissertation on the origin of gold.
The Book of the Bush|George Dunderdale
"Your dissertation has brought you honor, they tell me," she said, looking at him critically.
Unfinished Portraits|Jennette Lee
British Dictionary definitions for dissertation
/ (ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən) /
a written thesis, often based on original research, usually required for a higher degree