Fans of the distinctive Merchant Ivory style will also enjoy their adaptation of Forster’s “A Room With A View” which featured a breakout performance by Helena Bonham Carter.
FROM THE VAULT: Restorations|Brian T. Carney|August 28, 2020|Washington Blade
Vox’s work is reaching more people than ever, but our distinctive brand of explanatory journalism takes resources — particularly during a pandemic and an economic downturn.
Violent protests against police brutality in the ’60s and ’90s changed public opinion|German Lopez|August 28, 2020|Vox
On weekdays she could be seen purposefully striding the hallways with a notched walking stick, the better to support a weak ankle she had nursed since graduate school, and wearing a distinctive felt cape, an affectation of middle age.
Gender Is What You Make of It - Issue 88: Love & Sex|Charles King|August 5, 2020|Nautilus
Yet the light pattern, and subsequent glomeruli activation, were sufficient to incept a distinctive smell into mice, so that they were able to distinguish between the incepted smell and other synthetic odors.
A Highway to Smell: How Scientists Used Light to Incept Smell in Mice|Shelly Fan|July 1, 2020|Singularity Hub
They also gave off distinctive gases known as biosignatures.
Planets with hydrogen skies could harbor life|Lisa Grossman|June 2, 2020|Science News For Students
He reminisces about the features of Texas life that make Texas its own, distinctive community.
Will Texas Stay Texan?|David Fontana|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He explains that these casks play a huge role “in the distinctive character of the final whisky.”
How Much Do Whisky Casks Really Affect Taste?||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are also multiple vectors of cool, each defined by distinctive attire.
Sneer and Clothing in Miami: Inside The $3 Billion Woodstock of Contemporary Art|Jay Michaelson|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her distinctive shredding can also sound very disturbed, and the more disturbed, the better.
Is Bigger Better for St. Vincent?|David Yaffe|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Poking out of the shiny gold pages is a “distinctive silk marker”—also gold—which “complements the color of the leather.”
Rand Paul’s Many Leather-Bound Books|Olivia Nuzzi|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Thus it will be seen that engineering is a distinctive and important profession.
Opportunities in Engineering|Charles M. Horton
The gentes bracketed are said to belong together, but do not seem to have distinctive names—as phratries.
A Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola|Victor Mindeleff and Cosmos Mindeleff
No servile can attend a shut vowel; and truith must hav her own, like suit and fruit: in dhe French bruit it iz also distinctive.
A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy|James Elphinston
The upper hall is as distinctive as the lower one, and exactly corresponds in length and width.
Colonial Homes and Their Furnishings|Mary H. Northend
Head and neck in the wimple which was not in thirteenth century distinctive of nun's dress.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Wells|Percy Dearmer
British Dictionary definitions for distinctive
/ (dɪˈstɪŋktɪv) /
serving or tending to distinguish
denoting one of a set of minimal features of a phoneme in a given language that serve to distinguish it from other phonemes. The distinctive features of /p/ in English are that it is voiceless, bilabial, non-nasal, and plosive; /b/ is voiced, bilabial, non-nasal, and plosive: the two differ by the distinctive feature of voice