verb (used with object),san·i·tized,san·i·tiz·ing.
to free from dirt, germs, etc., as by cleaning or sterilizing.
to make less offensive by eliminating anything unwholesome, objectionable, incriminating, etc.: to sanitize a document before releasing it to the press.
Also especially British, san·i·tise .
Origin of sanitize
First recorded in 1830–40; sanit(ary) + -ize
Words nearby sanitize
sanitate, sanitation, sanitationman, sanitation worker, sanitization, sanitize, sanitizer, sanity, San Jacinto, San Jacinto Day, sanjak
Also be sure to wash your hands before and after working out, and if you need to touch your face midway through, soap up or sanitize your hands first.
The safest ways to exercise during a pandemic|Sara Kiley Watson|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
Permar recommends washing or sanitizing your hands “any time you are changing activities or locations—after a car stop, after eating, after a bathroom trip, and after going into and out of a building.”
A Dirtbag's Guide to Sanitation During a Pandemic|Maren Larsen|August 31, 2020|Outside Online
The baby care cycle uses steam to sanitize everything quickly while you tend to other tasks.
Small dishwashers that fit in almost any kitchen|PopSci Commerce Team|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
The county’s chief epidemiologist has previously said that his team works with any that has experienced an outbreak to ensure the facility is properly sanitized or shut down if needed.
Morning Report: What the County Isn’t Sharing on Community Outbreaks|Voice of San Diego|July 3, 2020|Voice of San Diego
That’s also a reason for frequent handwashing, cleaning of surfaces and other sanitizing steps.
Science offers recipes for homemade coronavirus masks|Kathiann Kowalski|May 14, 2020|Science News For Students
After their poop is collected, it is run under a UV light to sanitize it.
I Got a $180 Bird-Poop Facial|Kelsey Meany|August 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
You would try to wash them; you would try to sanitize them in some way.
Be Afraid of Your Food: An Epidemiologist’s Sensible Advice|Amanda Kludt|March 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST
British Dictionary definitions for sanitize
/ (ˈsænɪˌtaɪz) /
to make sanitary or hygienic, as by sterilizing
to omit unpleasant details from (a news report, document, etc) to make it more palatable to the recipients