[ duhn ] SHOW IPA
verb past participle of do1 .
Nonstandard . a simple past tense of do1 .
auxiliary verb South Midland and Southern U.S. Nonstandard . (used with a principal verb in the past or, sometimes, present tense to indicate completed action): I done told you so. He done eat his lunch.
adjective completed; finished; through: Our work is done.
cooked sufficiently.
worn out; exhausted; used up.
in conformity with fashion, good taste, or propriety; acceptable: It isn't done.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Idioms for donebe / have done with , to break off relations or connections with; stop.
done for , Informal . tired; exhausted. deprived of one's means, position, etc. dead or close to death. done in , Informal . very tired; exhausted: He was really done in after a close race.
usage note for done 4 . In the adjectival sense “completed, finished, through,” done dates from the 14th century and is entirely standard: Is your portrait done yet?
OTHER WORDS FROM done half-done, adjective Words nearby done Donau, Donbass, Doncaster, donder, Donders' law, done , donec, done deal, donee, done for, Donegal
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for done But the other thing that needs to be done is for us citizens to do.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Our Duty Is to Keep Charlie Hebdo Alive | Ayaan Hirsi Ali| January 8, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Newspapers around Europe have also done so in solidarity with the slain.
Why We Stand With Charlie Hebdo—And You Should Too | John Avlon| January 8, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Neither the Republican nor the Democratic party have done anything to consistently target Asian- American voters.
Asian-Americans Are The New Florida | Tim Mak| January 8, 2015| DAILY BEAST
He made clear that he fully appreciated what the cops had done .
Shot Down During the NYPD Slowdown | Michael Daly| January 7, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Because I was going more on about how things had already been done .
Patton Oswalt on Fighting Conservatives With Satire | William O’Connor| January 6, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Somehow he had expected to find her there, and he watched her again, as he had done through Pre Antoine's vines.
A real ghost could have done that, I suppose, but so could any person in reasonable physical shape who knew the terrain.
The Blue Ghost Mystery | Harold Leland Goodwin
The invalids replied untruthfully that they did, while Peter stated that Master had done him good already.
Furze the Cruel | John Trevena
They have done better than the average archaeologist with one or another find to his credit.
Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome | Apicius
Some one is so very proper, and such a fine lady, I shouldn't have thought she'd have done things without your knowing.'
British Dictionary definitions for done verb the past participle of do 1
be done with or have done with to end relations with
have done to be completely finished have you done?
that's done it an exclamation of frustration when something is ruined an exclamation when something is completed SEE MORE SEE LESS interjection an expression of agreement, as on the settlement of a bargain between two parties
adjective completed; finished
cooked enough done to a turn
used up they had to surrender when the ammunition was done
socially proper or acceptable that isn't done in higher circles
informal cheated; tricked
done for informal dead or almost dead in serious difficulty done in or done up informal physically exhausted
SEE MORE SEE LESS Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Idioms and Phrases with done In addition to the idioms beginning with done
done deal done for done in done to a T also see:
easier said than done good as done have done (with) no sooner said (than done) not done over and done with seen one, seen them all (been there, done that) what's done is done when all's said and done Also see underdo.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Words related to done executed, exhausted, down, ended, set, depleted, wrought, drained, perfected, complete, completed, wired, rendered, realized, spent, fulfilled, fixed, concluded, compassed, performed