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Example sentences from the Web for SATsThis is the easy part, like where you score points for writing your name correctly on your SATs. Online Dating for Geniuses Only|Charlotte Lytton|June 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST Children who are able to delay gratification 15 times as long as their more impatient peers score 210 points higher on their SATs. 15 Signs You'll Raise a Genius|Anneli Rufus|October 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST Seven kids have been charged with hiring someone to take the SATs for them. SAT’s Legacy of Cheating|Steve Cohen|September 28, 2011|DAILY BEAST Grades and SATs are set in stone, but a last-minute admissions trick is more important than ever. College Admissions' Secret Strategy|Marc Zawel|September 26, 2010|DAILY BEAST
If parents really want my opinion, it is far better to get your child a SATs coach than an admissions one. Dirty Secrets of College Coaches|Kathleen Kingsbury|February 8, 2010|DAILY BEAST The “Sats,” in fact, when it is a jump at all, is a high jump only. How To Ski and How Not To|Vivian Caulfeild This need not trouble you, for you are certain to find the greatest difficulty in managing to make the “Sats” soon enough. How To Ski and How Not To|Vivian Caulfeild It follows, then, that the correct execution of the “Sats” is the most important part of the jump. How To Ski and How Not To|Vivian Caulfeild I strongly advise you to include this movement in your practice of the “Sats” (2nd method) without skis. How To Ski and How Not To|Vivian Caulfeild These two methods are none the less distinct for the fact that the “Sats,” as made by most jumpers, is a combination of the two. How To Ski and How Not To|Vivian Caulfeild
n acronym for British educationstandard assessment tasks standard assessment tests standard attainment tests Now officially called: national tests Words nearby SATsSato, Sato Eisaku, satori, satrap, satrapy, SATs, sat sri akal, Satsuma, Satsuma ware, sattva, sattvic Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |