A Stars Stripes article included a photo of the soldiers arriving at the port mortuary at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
How the Dead Come Home From Afghanistan|Nick Willard|May 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He testified in the Dover trial in 2005, and was instrumental in keeping “Intelligent Design” out of the local schools there.
Meet the Prizewinning Catholic Biologist Creationists Can’t Stand|Karl W. Giberson|April 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The money is intended to assist with travel to meet the body at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware and to cover funeral expenses.
Death Benefit Scandal Is the Government Shutdown’s Ultimate Insult|Michael Daly|October 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The first day he greeted military caskets at Dover Air Force Base.
How Obama Handles Crisis|Jon Favreau|May 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST
On Monday, her remains were flown in to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
Anne Smedinghoff, the Hero Diplomat We Lost in Afghanistan|Michael Daly|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Of her specific exploits as a bruiser we hear of at least two near Dover.
Isopel Berners|George Borrow
The next morning we were in the straits of Dover; the wind light, but fair.
Ned Myers|James Fenimore Cooper
He started from the Dover pier, followed by a row-boat in which were two sailors, a newspaper man, and his trainer.
The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 41, August 19, 1897|Various
Beat batter with a Dover egg beater three or four minutes until it is perfectly smooth, creamy and full of bubbles.
Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners|Elizabeth O. Hiller
We are to sail for Ostend by the regular packet, two of which go every week from Dover.
Barrington|Charles James Lever
British Dictionary definitions for Dover
/ (ˈdəʊvə) /
a port in SE England, in E Kent on the Strait of Dover: the only one of the Cinque Ports that is still important; a stronghold since ancient times and Caesar's first point of attack in the invasion of Britain (55 bc). Pop: 34 087 (2001)
Strait of Dovera strait between SE England and N France, linking the English Channel with the North Sea. Width: about 32 km (20 miles)French name: Pas de Calais
a city in the US, the capital of Delaware, founded in 1683: 18th-century buildings. Pop: 32 808 (2003 est)