If chips get too hot they malfunction, so this is already a major obstacle for further miniaturizing electronics, and it’s also an unsustainable resource drain on big technology companies with lots of hardware.
This Microchip Has Its Own Built-In Cooling System|Edd Gent|September 14, 2020|Singularity Hub
As decisions are now more likely to come at the last minute and advertisers want buyers to tweak plans much more frequently, it means longer hours and a drain on buyers who say the new expectations are having a negative effect on their mental health.
‘Seemingly nonstop’: Constant requests to replan and retool campaigns is getting to media buyers|Kristina Monllos|September 2, 2020|Digiday
These efforts will combine to create the most detailed map ever of Miami’s topography, its patchwork of sea walls, and the hidden web of drains, pipes, and pumps that keep its streets dry.
Miami’s high-tech flood map will help decide which neighborhoods get saved|Nicolás Rivero|September 1, 2020|Quartz
A major remaining source of pollution are storm drains, which allow sewage, toxins, and fertilizer to flow into the river during heavy rains.
51 Years Later, the Cuyahoga River Burns Again|Wes Siler|August 28, 2020|Outside Online
The current waste policies are a drain on general funds, are unequipped to meet the city’s zero waste goals and are an unfair burden on those who are excluded.
It’s Time to Revisit This Garbage City Policy|Joe Bettles, Marianna Garcia, Elise Hanson, Jack Christensen and Aurora Livingston|June 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Drain immediately and immerse the beans in ice water to stop the cooking.
The Barefoot Contessa’s Tasty Trip to Paris|Ina Garten|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The drain clogs in the shower every few days, and the clump of tangled brown hair is springy between my fingers.
Birth Control Made My Hair Fall Out, and I’m Not the Only One|Molly Oswaks|October 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The assumption is that President Obama is a drain on Democrats desperate to survive his unpopular numbers in key states.
What the GOP Will Do If It Wins Congress|Stuart Stevens|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At the very least, this indictment will be an enormous distraction and drain on Perry's time, money and attention.
Peak 'Oops': Explaining the Perry Indictment|Mark McKinnon|August 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ancient bowls feature so-called “kill holes,” possibly to drain blood or allow a spirit to escape.
The Cave Where Mayans Sacrificed Humans Is Open for Visitors|Nina Strochlic|August 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Let it boil a little, then take it out, drain it over the saucepan, and dry it before the fire.
The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches,|Mary Eaton
Cook slowly until the prunes are tender and then drain the syrup and boil ten minutes before pouring over the prunes.
Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book|Mary A. Wilson
When the curd and whey have separated, turn all into a bag and hang up to drain.
The Laurel Health Cookery|Evora Bucknum Perkins
A remarkable subterranean tunnel still exists, which served to drain the plateau.