Also called op·ti·cal read·er[op-ti-kuhl ree-der], /ˈɒp tɪ kəl ˈri dər/, op·ti·cal scan·ner .Computers. a device that scans printed, handwritten, barcode, or other visual data and encodes it into digital format. See also optical scanning.
Photography. any device for exposing an image on film, a sensitized plate, etc., by tracing light along a series of many closely spaced parallel lines.
(in aerial photography) a device for estimating the ratio of aircraft speed to aircraft altitude.
a photoelectric device for scanning a picture to determine automatically the density of the hue or value in each area for transmission by wire or radio or for preparation of color process printing plates.
a computer-aided electronic system using photoelectric cells to separate copy, as color illustrations, into its primary colors, correct color copy, and produce a set of color separations ready for proofing or printing.
Radio. a radio receiver, used especially by police, firefighters, and the press, that continuously tunes to preselected frequencies, broadcasting any signal that it detects.
Medicine/Medical, Biology. a device for examining a body, organ, tissue, or other biologically active material.See also CAT scanner, MR scanner, PET scanner, sonogram.
But can a scanner the size of a TV remote really tell when that chicken goes bad?
Can This Device Save You From Food Poisoning?|DailyBurn|May 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“If we can pop smoke we can get the wounded out of the way,” one reported on the scanner.
How Christopher Dorner Went Down|Christine Pelisek|February 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Mike checked in at the 10th electoral district, got his ballot, made marks next to his choices and fed it into the scanner.
Sandy’s Rockaway Victims Pause to Vote, Press On With Recovery Efforts|Michael Daly|November 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He stepped over to the privacy booth and then to the scanner machines.
Anthony Weiner’s Election Day|Michael Daly|September 13, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Step Two: Search for "QR" or "Scanner" and download the highest-rated, or cheapest, app.
How to Use a QR Reader|The Daily Beast|June 1, 2011|DAILY BEAST
That's why the ship on your scanner isn't Simms' at all, but another ship!
On the Trail of the Space Pirates|Carey Rockwell
Suddenly he rushed to the scanner, stared hard, and then let out a roar of triumph.
On the Trail of the Space Pirates|Carey Rockwell
Tom's hand shot out for the intercom to relay orders to the power deck and glanced quickly at the scanner.
The Revolt on Venus|Carey Rockwell
The scanner progressed, crossing the field and continuing to another forest, operating on the route impressed on it.
The Weakling|Everett B. Cole
Half an hour later, the scanner gave him another interruption pattern.
Little Fuzzy|Henry Beam Piper
British Dictionary definitions for scanner
/ (ˈskænə) /
a person or thing that scans
a device, usually electronic, used to measure or sample the distribution of some quantity or condition in a particular system, region, or area
an aerial or similar device designed to transmit or receive signals, esp radar signals, inside a given solid angle of space, thus allowing a particular region to be scanned
any of various devices used in medical diagnosis to obtain an image of an internal organ or partSee CAT scanner, nuclear magnetic resonance scanner, ultrasound scanner
informala television outside broadcast vehicle
short for optical scanner
printingan electronic device which scans printed material and converts it to digital form