It even began showing off some of its other products, such as a covid-19 tracking system called Fleming, and Eclipse, which can hack drones deemed a security threat.
NASA is planning a new mission for 2026 called Dragonfly, in which a rotorcraft drone is to fly around Titan and study the moon’s potential hospitability to life in greater detail.
The 5 best places to explore in the solar system—besides Mars|Neel Patel|August 17, 2020|MIT Technology Review
A local whale watching group captured the event with a drone, according to Smithsonian Magazine.
Environment Report: Why Your Water Bill Might Spike|MacKenzie Elmer|July 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Facebook wanted to use solar-powered drones and laser-based tech to shoot wifi to antennas.
Google Loon Is Now Beaming WiFi Down to Earth From Giant Balloons|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|July 12, 2020|Singularity Hub
Materials chemist Eijiro Miyako of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Nomi imagines outsourcing pollination to automatous drones that deliver pollen grains to individual flowers.
Bubble-blowing drones may one day aid artificial pollination|Maria Temming|June 22, 2020|Science News
The influential al Qaeda propagandist, who was born in New Mexico, died in a U.S. drone strike later that year.
France Kills Charlie Hebdo Murderers|Nico Hines|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But it takes more than just pilots to operate the drone fleet.
Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says|Dave Majumdar|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
In other words, the Air Force is saying that its drone force has been stretched to its limits.
Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says|Dave Majumdar|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The result is that drone operators are leaving the Air Force in droves.
Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says|Dave Majumdar|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The Air Force has about seven pilots for every eight drone pilot slots, in other words.
Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says|Dave Majumdar|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
"Suppose you hang yourself up and make wax then," said one Drone.
Among the Farmyard People|Clara Dillingham Pierson
They had been traveling some four or five hours since leaving their camp when Bill heard the drone of an airplane engine.
Bill Bruce on Forest Patrol|Henry Harley Arnold
The young bee held it out in silence—unmistakably a drone leg incapable of packing pollen.
Actions and Reactions|Rudyard Kipling
The bell had been silent for a minute, and the curate's voice had begun to drone within the building.
Bulldog And Butterfly|David Christie Murray
The last lizard scuttled away, and the drone of the insects ceased.
The Riflemen of the Ohio|Joseph A. Altsheler
British Dictionary definitions for drone (1 of 2)
/ (drəʊn) /
a male bee in a colony of social bees, whose sole function is to mate with the queen
Britisha person who lives off the work of others
a pilotless radio-controlled aircraft
Derived forms of drone
dronish, adjective
Word Origin for drone
Old English drān; related to Old High German treno drone, Gothic drunjus noise, Greek tenthrēnē wasp; see drone ²
British Dictionary definitions for drone (2 of 2)
/ (drəʊn) /
(intr)to make a monotonous low dull sound; buzz or hum
(when intr, often foll by on) to utter (words) in a monotonous tone, esp to talk without stopping
a monotonous low dull sound
a sustained bass note or chord of unvarying pitch accompanying a melody
(as modifier)a drone bass
musicone of the single-reed pipes in a set of bagpipes, used for accompanying the melody played on the chanter
a person who speaks in a low monotonous tone
Derived forms of drone
droning, adjectivedroningly, adverb
Word Origin for drone
C16: related to drone1 and Middle Dutch drōnen, German dröhnen