[ skyah-puh -rel -ee or, especially for 1 , skap-uh -rel -ee, shap-; Italian skyah-pah-r el -lee ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌskyɑ pəˈrɛl i or, especially for 1 , ˌskæp əˈrɛl i, ˌʃæp-; Italian ˌskyɑ pɑˈrɛl li / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun El·sa [el -sah], /ˈɛl sɑ/, 1890–1973, French fashion designer, born in Italy. Gio·van·ni Vir·gin·io [jaw-vahn -nee veer -jee -nyaw], /dʒɔˈvɑn ni virˈdʒi nyɔ/, 1835–1910, Italian astronomer. Words nearby Schiaparelli scherm, scherzando, scherzo, Scheuermann's disease, Scheveningen, Schiaparelli , Schick, Schickard, Schick test, Schick test toxin, Schiedam
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Schiaparelli In January, the newly revived Schiaparelli sent out its first couture collection in decades, presenting light, whimsical clothing.
What’s Haute, What’s Not: The Meaning of Modern Couture | Liza Foreman| July 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Monday, following the first Schiaparelli couture show since 1954, where eclectically clad women walked in flat feathered sandals.
Schiaparelli Returns to Couture at Paris Fashion Week | Liza Foreman| January 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
After 60 years, Schiaparelli is back with a couture runway full of playful, elegant, and irreverent looks for the modern woman.
Schiaparelli Returns to Couture at Paris Fashion Week | Liza Foreman| January 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Schiaparelli Spring/Summer 2014 collection can be seen as something of a tipsy take on couture.
Schiaparelli Returns to Couture at Paris Fashion Week | Liza Foreman| January 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The long-dormant house of Schiaparelli finally has a new Creative Director.
Marco Zanini Is The New Creative Director Of Schiaparelli | Alice Cavanagh| September 30, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Say, I was willing to agree with Schiaparelli 's name by the end of that march!
A Martian Odyssey | Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
This was first noticed by Schiaparelli , and has been confirmed, so far as observations can confirm it, by other observers.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 17, Slice 7 | Various
It seems to the writer that this conclusion of Schiaparelli is the653 more likely of the two.
The Popular Science Monthly, October, 1900 | Various
For its interpretation Prof. Schiaparelli makes a very plausible suggestion.
The Astronomy of the Bible | E. Walter Maunder
Schiaparelli 's result is, however, well supported by the letters of Mr. Lowell.
The Story of the Heavens | Robert Stawell Ball
British Dictionary definitions for Schiaparelli / (Italian skjapaˈrɛlli ) /
noun Elsa (ˈelsa). 1896–1973, Italian couturière, noted esp for the dramatic colours of her designs
Giovanni Virginio (dʒoˈvanni virˈdʒiːnjo). 1835–1910, Italian astronomer, who discovered the asteroid Hesperia (1861) and the so-called canals of Mars (1877)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012