

单词 drop shot

drop shot


(in tennis, badminton, etc.) a ball or shuttlecock so softly hit that it falls to the playing surface just after clearing the net.
(in squash, handball, etc.) a ball so softly hit that it falls suddenly to the ground just after striking the front wall.
shot made in a shot tower.

Origin of drop shot

First recorded in 1630–40

Words nearby drop shot

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Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

British Dictionary definitions for drop shot

drop shot


  1. tennis a softly-played return that drops abruptly after clearing the net, intended to give an opponent no chance of reaching the ball and usually achieved by imparting backspin
  2. squash a similar shot that stops abruptly after hitting the front wall of the court
a type of shot made by permitting molten metal to percolate through a sieve and then dropping it into a tank of water
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