Parents are talking about it, schools are talking about it, even kids themselves are talking about it.
How Skinny Is Too Skinny? Israel Bans ‘Underweight’ Models|Carrie Arnold|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
“This is a federal mandate that is causing some real problems for schools across the country,” Kline told a CBS affiliate in July.
The Republican War on Kale|Patricia Murphy|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
While preaching D.A.R.E. in schools, we made a drug out of external validation.
Random Hook-Ups or Dry Spells: Why Millennials Flunk College Dating|Ellie Schaack|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Paying for all those pensions inevitably means less money for parks and schools.
How Public Sector Unions Divide the Democrats|Daniel DiSalvo|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A former superintendent of Milwaukee schools, he is now a Distinguished Professor of Education at Marquette University.
Dr. Howard Fuller's Injustice Education|Campbell Brown|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We ought to take quite a place in the county, and challenge other schools for matches.
For the School Colours|Angela Brazil
It was the wise guidance, judicious and calm leadership of the men in these schools that saved the day at Atlanta.
Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt|William James Edwards
And considering the pressure of the necessary preparation for schools, the temptation to shun the byways is very great.
An American at Oxford|John Corbin
The Protestants of Paris had not at that time either churches or clergy, but they already had schools.
Old and New Paris, v. 1|Henry Sutherland Edwards
The lecture topics—widely advertised through the schools and elsewhere—cover every field of thought.
The New Education|Scott Nearing
/ (skuːlz) /
pl n
the Schoolsthe medieval Schoolmen collectively
(at Oxford University)
the Examination Schools, the University building in which examinations are held
informalthe Second Public Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts; finals
Words nearby Schools
school of the squad, school of thought, school phobia, school prawn, schoolroom, Schools, school shark, school ship, schoolteacher, schoolteacherish, schoolteaching