any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole.
a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the Communist party.
Biology. a usually microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic material enclosed by a semipermeable membrane and, in plants, a cell wall; the basic structural unit of all organisms.
Entomology. one of the areas into which the wing of an insect is divided by the veins.
Botany. locule.
Also called battery, electric cell,electrochemical cell,galvanic cell,voltaic cell. a device that generates electrical energy from chemical energy, usually consisting of two different conducting substances placed in an electrolyte.Compare dry cell.
solar cell.
Also called electrolytic cell. Physical Chemistry. a device for producing electrolysis, consisting essentially of the electrolyte, its container, and the electrodes.
Aeronautics. the gas container of a balloon.
Ecclesiastical. a monastery or nunnery, usually small, dependent on a larger religious house.
one of the distinct geographical areas covered by a radio transmitter in a cellular phone system.
cell phone.
verb (used without object)
to live in a cell: The two prisoners had celled together for three years.
Origin of cell
before 1150; 1665–75 for def. 4; Middle English celle<Old French celle<Medieval Latin cella monastic cell, Latin: room (see cella); Old English cell<Medieval Latin, as above; see cella
It also works offline, so it’s handy even if there is no cell service.
Three Family-Friendly Adventures to Try This Fall|Outside Editors|September 17, 2020|Outside Online
Consequently, we who are dominated by a bacterial ecosystem ten times larger than our own body’s cells also belong to the great continuum of life.
What the Meadow Teaches Us - Issue 90: Something Green|Andreas Weber|September 16, 2020|Nautilus
In theory, that could prompt the formation of not just antibodies but also T cells and specialized forms of immunity in the nasal passage, leading to broader protection.
Synthetic biologists have created a slow-growing version of the coronavirus to give as a vaccine|David Rotman|September 16, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The genetic mutation results in sickle-shaped red blood cells.
A CRISPR Baby Future? New Report Outlines Path to Human Germline Editing|Shelly Fan|September 15, 2020|Singularity Hub
These types of cells are also specifically targeted by the coronavirus.
Lung cell images show how intense a coronavirus infection can be|Jonathan Lambert|September 15, 2020|Science News
Joel Osteen wants to talk about muting your cell phone at the dinner table.
No Gods, No Cops, No Masters|James Poulos|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
At that point, the Library of Congress can once again decide to prohibit consumers from unlocking their cell phones.
Nazis, Sunscreen, and Sea Gull Eggs: Congress in 2014 Was Hella Productive|Ben Jacobs|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Earlier this year, security at major airports was tightened because of a tip that al-Asiri had been working on a cell phone bomb.
A Gift to the Jihadis: The Unseen Airport Security Threat|Clive Irving|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In fact, four of 20 cells at Cobalt were found to have bars across the cell to allow this.
Inside the CIA’s Sadistic Dungeon|Tim Mak|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Once, when occupying a cell in near a phone, I saw the suicide prevention protocols in action.
A Million Ways to Die in Prison|Daniel Genis|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The door of the cell was here softly opened, a head showed itself, and immediately disappeared.
The Hour and the Man|Harriet Martineau
In one prison he found a cell so narrow and noisome that the poor wretch who inhabited it begged as a mercy for hanging.
History of the English People, Volume VIII (of 8)|John Richard Green
Of Bonhag, who came to close the cell door, he asked whether it was going to rain, it looked so dark in the hall.
The Financier|Theodore Dreiser
The gaoler observed, that he always found him thus employed when he was left alone in the cell.
An account of the Death of Philip Jolin|Francis Cunningham
A short-handled broom is also found in one corner of the cell, with which the convict brushes it out every morning.
The Twin Hells|John N. Reynolds
British Dictionary definitions for cell (1 of 2)
/ (sɛl) /
a small simple room, as in a prison, convent, monastery, or asylum; cubicle
any small compartmentthe cells of a honeycomb
biologythe basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. It consists of a nucleus, containing the genetic material, surrounded by the cytoplasm in which are mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, and other organelles. All cells are bounded by a cell membrane; plant cells have an outer cell wall in addition
biologyany small cavity or area, such as the cavity containing pollen in an anther
a device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy, usually consisting of a container with two electrodes immersed in an electrolyteSee also primary cell, secondary cell, dry cell, wet cell, fuel cell
short for electrolytic cell
a small religious house dependent upon a larger one
a small group of persons operating as a nucleus of a larger political, religious, or other organizationCommunist cell
mathsa small unit of volume in a mathematical coordinate system
zoologyone of the areas on an insect wing bounded by veins
the geographical area served by an individual transmitter in a cellular radio network
Derived forms of cell
cell-like, adjective
Word Origin for cell
C12: from Medieval Latin cella monk's cell, from Latin: room, storeroom; related to Latin cēlāre to hide
A region of the atmosphere in which air tends to circulate without flowing outward.
Cultural definitions for cell (2 of 2)
The basic unit of all living things except viruses. In advanced organisms, cells consist of a nucleus (which contains genetic material), cytoplasm, and organelles, all of which are surrounded by a cell membrane.
notes for cell
Groups of cells with similar structure and function form tissues.
The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
The basic unit of living matter in all organisms, consisting of protoplasm enclosed within a cell membrane. All cells except bacterial cells have a distinct nucleus that contains the cell's DNA as well as other structures (called organelles) that include mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, and vacuoles. The main source of energy for all of a cell's biological processes is ATP. See more at eukaryoteprokaryote.
Any of various devices, or units within such devices, that are capable of converting some form of energy into electricity. Cells contain two electrodes and an electrolyte. See more at electrolytic cellsolar cellvoltaic cell.