

单词 scoby


or sco·by

[ skoh-bee ]
/ ˈskoʊ bi /

noun, plural SCO·BIES.

a live culture consisting of multiple species of yeast and bacteria used in the preparation of fermented beverages, most commonly kombucha.
Sometimes SCO·BAY [skoh-bey] /ˈskoʊ beɪ/ .
Also called kom·bu·cha mush·room [kawm-boo-chah muhsh-room, muhsh-room, kuhm-boo-chuh], /kɔmˈbu tʃɑ ˈmʌʃ rum, ˈmʌʃ rʊm, kəmˈbu tʃə/, mother, pellicle .

Origin of SCOBY

First recorded in 2005–10; shortening of s(ymbiotic) c(ulture) o(f) b(acteria and) y(east)

Words nearby SCOBY

sclerotomy, sclerotylosis, sclerous, Sc.M., Sc.M.Hyg., SCOBY, scody, scoff, scoffer, scofflaw, Scofield
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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