[ skou -ting ] SHOW IPA
noun an act or instance of reconnoitering; reconnaissance.
the activities of a scout or scouts.
(often initial capital letter ) the program of activities of the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts.
Origin of scouting First recorded in 1635–45; scout1 + -ing1
OTHER WORDS FROM scouting scout·ing·ly, adverb Words nearby scouting scout car, scoutcraft, scouter, scouth, scouthood, scouting , Scout Leader, scoutmaster, Scoville scale, scow, scowl
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for scouting The couple apparently visited the royal chateau in January when they were scouting locations for the big day.
Renaissance Wedding Bells for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West? | Barbie Latza Nadeau| May 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As frustration mounts within the Scouting world, a negative PR snowball builds.
Why Are Girl Scout Camps Being Closed? | Alessandra Rafferty| January 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And what does the street-style photographer like best about scouting out fashion?
The Sartorialist Hits Miami Beach: Inside Scott Schuman’s Exhibition | Ann Binlot| December 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
“It reinforces how deeply people care about scouting and how passionate they are about the organization,” the statement said.
The Boy Scouts Never Fail to Disappoint | Ilana Glazer| February 6, 2013| DAILY BEAST
I have a few ideas [for his replacement] but they are very remote, so it depends how intensely they are scouting .
Fashion Industry Weighs in on Nicolas Ghesquiere's Departure from Balenciaga | Misty White Sidell| November 8, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Acting on this reliable information Washington at once dispatched a scouting party in pursuit.
Colonel Washington | Archer Butler Hulbert
Joan and I decided we'd do some scouting before we came back; see what was happening over the rest of the world.
Slaves of Mercury | Nat Schachner
A scouting party was sent to find out whether the crossing from one river to the other could be made.
Stories of American Life and Adventure | Edward Eggleston
Neither he nor Peterson had been scouting lately, and he had no means of discovering their intentions.
The Frontier Angel | Edward S. Ellis
Their scouting parties reported no enemy at the Wilmington road crossing.
Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V2 | Jacob Dolson Cox
British Dictionary definitions for scouting noun the activities, programmes, principles, etc, of the Scout Association (as modifier ) the international Scouting movement Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to scouting explore, inspect, examine, case, spy, search, probe, spot, hunt, watch, observe, survey, reconnoiter, seek, ferret, rustle up, take in, look for, set eyes on, stake out