As with other financial products, Marvin expects to see more women embrace SPACs over time, especially if they prove to be as durable as many early adherents suggest.
Amid a boom in SPACs, few women investors|Connie Loizos|October 8, 2020|TechCrunch
New posts appear regularly, and if reality doesn’t match the predictions about when, or how, the storm is coming for the world’s liberal elites, adherents simply shift their focus to something else.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The question is whether any of this will actually do anything to check the rapid spread of the QAnon movement, whose adherents include a Florida GOP nominee who is expected to win a seat in Congress this November.
Will Facebook’s QAnon crackdown succeed? What people are saying so far|Jeff|August 20, 2020|Fortune
Twenty-five percent of Americans believe that Obama is an adherent of Islam.
November Surprises|Christopher Buckley|November 3, 2008|DAILY BEAST
The capillitium persists after the fall of the upper filmy peridium, adherent below to the persisting peridial base.
The North American Slime-Moulds|Thomas H. (Thomas Huston) MacBride
They are economic reasons usually, and physical, and not adherent to any inevitably weaker moral fibre in the woman.
She Stands Accused|Victor MacClure
The adherent bawled this at Edward, and Edward's reply came ringing back in a clear, cheerful voice, "We mean to try all we know."
Hard Cash|Charles Reade
An aneurysm exerts pressure on the surrounding structures, which are usually thickened and adherent to it and to one another.
Manual of Surgery|Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles
When the ulcer has healed it leaves a scar which is depressed, and if over a bone, is adherent to it.
Manual of Surgery|Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles