Tamara Loertscher went to the Eau Claire Mayo Clinic in early August when she thought she was pregnant.
States Slap Pregnant Women With Harsher Jail Sentences|Emily Shire|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So are the brilliant “Eau de Lierre” by Fabrice Pellegrin and—anyway, I could go on and on.
The Eyes Have It|Blake Gopnik|March 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Marya Dmitrievna sniffed her eau de cologne again, and took a sip of water.
A House of Gentlefolk|Ivan Turgenev
Myrtle-flower water is sold in France under the name of eau d'ange, and may be prepared like rose, elder, or other flower waters.
The Art of Perfumery|G. W. Septimus Piesse
Page 64, italicized "robe de nuit" and "eau de cologne" for consistency.
Guy Kenmore's Wife and The Rose and the Lily|Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller
The spirit known as Eau de Cologne was the invention of Farina in the seventeenth century.
Old Continental Towns|Walter M. Gallichan
And the dark hair which closely covered his well-shaped head was drenched with eau de quinine.
The Way of Ambition|Robert Hichens
abbreviation for
Uganda (international car registration)
Word Origin for EAU
from E(ast) A(frica) U(ganda)
Words nearby EAU
eat someone out of house and home, eat someone's ass out, eat someone's lunch, eat someone up, eat up, EAU, Eau Claire, eau de Cologne, eau de Javelle, eau de nil, eau de toilette