[ eevz -drop ] SHOW IPA
verb (used without object), eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping. to listen secretly to a private conversation.
verb (used with object), eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping. Archaic . to eavesdrop on.
noun Also eaves·drip [eevz -drip]. /ˈivzˌdrɪp/. water that drips from the eaves.
the ground on which such water falls.
Origin of eavesdrop before 900; (noun) Middle English evesdrope, evesdripe, Old English yfesdrype; as v., probably back formation from eavesdropper, late Middle English evisdroppyr, apparently literally, one who stands on the eavesdrop in order to listen to conversations inside the house; see eave, drop, drip
OTHER WORDS FROM eavesdrop eavesdropper, noun an·ti·eaves·drop·ping, adjective Words nearby eavesdrop eau de vie, eau de vie de marc, eau minérale, eave, eaves, eavesdrop , eave spout, eavestrough, eave trough, EB, Eban
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for eavesdrop NCIS managed to eavesdrop on phone calls Wright made to his mother, Valerie Burgess.
The Navy ‘Hero’ Who Pimped an HIV-Positive Teen | M.L. Nestel| December 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But the FSB has far more power to eavesdrop on Russian and foreign citizens than the FBI or the NSA.
Sorry, Snowden: Putin Lied to You About His Surveillance State—And Made You a Pawn of It | Eli Lake| April 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
One of the most popular is the X-37B can sneak up and eavesdrop on other satellites.
Will The Pentagon’s Secret Space Plane Ever Return to Earth? | Kyle Mizokami| April 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A brilliant look into the lives of the 1980s East German Stasi (Secret Police) and the civilians they spy and eavesdrop on.
Shawn Ryan’s Favorite War Movies | Shawn Ryan| September 26, 2012| DAILY BEAST
He was also a dead-on mimic, the kind of guy who could eavesdrop on a snatch of conversation and instantly spoof both ends.
The Story of the American Journalists Who Landed on D-Day | Timothy M. Gay| June 6, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Let us hope that Eavesdrop will sketch off Henbane, and that Henbane will poison him for his trouble.
Crotchet Castle | Thomas Love Peacock
Did you learn how to eavesdrop in a correspondence school or did it just come naturally?
Don Hale with the Flying Squadron | W. Crispin Sheppard
Besides, she couldn't stand outside and eavesdrop long without being noticed by some one passing through the hall.
Jane Allen: Right Guard | Edith Bancroft
Later, he saw Jan deep in conversation with Jerry and wandered by, to eavesdrop a little.
The Electronic Mind Reader | John Blaine
While the hours of tuition were being discussed Bertha Appleby tiptoed up to eavesdrop , and pleaded to be accepted as a pupil.
In a Little Town | Rupert Hughes
British Dictionary definitions for eavesdrop verb -drops , -dropping or -dropped (intr) to listen secretly to the private conversation of others
Derived forms of eavesdrop eavesdropper , noun Word Origin for eavesdrop C17: back formation from earlier evesdropper, from Old English yfesdrype water dripping from the eaves; see eaves , drop ; compare Old Norse upsardropi
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to eavesdrop snoop, overhear, listen in, spy, wire, tap, monitor, pry, bug, wiretap, be all ears