

单词 ecb

Example sentences from the Web for ECB

  • No, the ECB and the Federal Reserve cannot substitute for legislatures and for society as a whole.

    Mario Draghi May Become the Man Who Saved Europe—and the World|Zachary Karabell|September 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
  • And the ECB has committed itself to spend no more than €20 billion a week on bond purchases in the secondary market.

    Niall Ferguson: Great Britain Saves Itself by Rejecting the EU|Niall Ferguson|December 10, 2011|DAILY BEAST
  • This would allow the ECB to increase the money supply and ease the strain on struggling economies such as Greece and Portugal.

    Can Europe Be Saved?|Henry Farrell, John Quiggin|October 4, 2011|DAILY BEAST


abbreviation for

European Central Bank

Words nearby ECB

ecarinate, écarté, e-cash, Ecatepec de Morelos, ecaudate, ECB, Ecbatana, ecbolic, ecce homo, eccentric, eccentric hypertrophy
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