释义 |
[ ed-uh ] / ˈɛd ə /
Words nearby Edaeczematoid, eczematous, eczema vaccinatum, ed, ED50, Eda, edacious, edacity, Edam, edamame, edaphic Definition for Eda (2 of 2)
Economic Development Administration. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for EdaIt was a 1993 campaign biography of the Czech dissident-turned-president Václav Havel, by Eda Kriseová. Caleb Crain: How I Write|Caleb Crain|July 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST So, Master Frank, be pleased to take Eda off your shoulder, and give ear to my instructions. Eda would have been horrified that Janet should have dallied with any other relationship; God would punish her. The Dwelling Place of Light, Complete|Winston Churchill She gained the avenue she had trod with Eda on that summer day of the circus. The Dwelling Place of Light, Complete|Winston Churchill
You know I have had always a partiality for miserable old wives, Eda; which accounts, perhaps, for my liking for you! “You will be steersman and sit in the stern, Eda,” said Frank, as they embarked.