the act of adjusting; adaptation to a particular condition, position, or purpose.
the state of being adjusted; orderly relation of parts or elements.
a device, as a knob or lever, for adjusting: the adjustments on a television set.
the act of bringing something into conformity with external requirements: the adjustment of one's view of reality.
harmony achieved by modification or change of a position: They worked out an adjustment of their conflicting ideas.
Sociology. a process of modifying, adapting, or altering individual or collective patterns of behavior so as to bring them into conformity with other such patterns, as with those provided by a cultural environment.
Insurance. the act of ascertaining the amount of indemnity that the party insured is entitled to receive under the policy, and of settling the claim.
a settlement of a disputed account or claim.
a change or concession, as in price or other terms, in view of minor defect or the like.
Many devices I’ve tested—including the LG TV, Vizio TV, Vizio soundbar, and Samsung TV I own—do not allow adjustment in both directions, which makes the feature all but useless against audio delay.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
By replicating the traditional TV experience, the streamers can flatten the adjustment curve for audiences and make it easier for people to find programs to watch and to keep watching.
‘We’re still in the wild west’: Free, ad-supported streaming TV war heats up with Amazon, Pluto TV updates|Tim Peterson|August 19, 2020|Digiday
Whether a series is scripted or unscripted, producers have to make adjustments in returning to production.
TV, streaming show makers ease back into production despite coronavirus concerns — and insurance costs|Tim Peterson|August 11, 2020|Digiday
This error is then fed backwards through the network to guide adjustments in the strength of connections between neurons.
A New Brain-Inspired Learning Method for AI Saves Memory and Energy|Edd Gent|July 27, 2020|Singularity Hub
In the last case, there will be an automatic adjustment to the screens of different devices.
How to increase organic traffic: 14 Practical tips|Inna Yatsyna|July 6, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Think of the embarrassing subway platform or mid-office “adjustment” debacles you could avoid!
Would You Pay $100 For a 50 Cent Bulge? Men’s Undies Get Expensive|James Joiner|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What the hell would go to all the trouble—if he could make the “adjustment” in a “normal” way.
Elia Kazan to Tennessee Williams: You Gotta Suffer to Sing the Blues|Elia Kazan|May 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But it is ordinary people who are going to be hit hard by this and it is going to be a long and painful process of adjustment.
Crimeans Are Resigned To Pro-Russia Vote|Jamie Dettmer|March 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But that $450 billion adjustment is more than the GDP of most of the countries in the world.
Republicans Must Engage the Tough Politics of Illegal Immigration|Stuart Stevens|June 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
As a result, most of the adjustment burden will be mostly borne by the city's workers, past and present.
Saving Detroit: When a Big City Stops Being Big|Megan McArdle|May 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
His advice was invariably good, and his decisions on questions referred to him for adjustment were always acquiesced in.
A Prince of Anahuac|James A. Porter
It may be that, having made up my mind before leaving England, I accomplished a final wrench and adjustment.
Ancestors|Gertrude Atherton
Madame Valière patted the wig, as much in approbation as in adjustment.
The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes|Israel Zangwill
This is the price which a man pays for the adjustment of his brain and hand to the needs of the time.
She Buildeth Her House|Will Comfort
When such ideals are held in mind, an adjustment of conduct follows at once.
Child and Country|Will Levington Comfort
British Dictionary definitions for adjustment
/ (əˈdʒʌstmənt) /
the act of adjusting or state of being adjusted
a control for regulatingthe adjustment for volume is beside the speaker