The seawater once covering 26,000 square miles vanishes into desert.
The Aral Sea's Disappearing Act|Anna Nemtsova|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Anguilla is an arid, flat Caribbean island surrounded on all sides by seawater.
Sun+Water= High Tech Caribbean Luxury At The Cusinart Resort|The Daily Beast|June 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And for that, it turned to the one resource it has in abundance—aside from seawater.
Sun+Water= High Tech Caribbean Luxury At The Cusinart Resort|The Daily Beast|June 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The seawater was higher than the fire hydrants, and the firefighters had to duck down into it to connect the hose.
Heroism in the Rockaways After Hurricane Sandy|Michael Daly|November 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Five feet of seawater tore through the streets of the low-lying Brooklyn neighborhood Monday night.
Residents in Red Hook, Brooklyn, Assess the Damage After Sandy|Eliza Shapiro|October 31, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In a few days, five men were dispatched with five kettles to build a cairn for the manufacture of salt from seawater.
The Conquest|Eva Emery Dye
It is also worth asking why fresh water freezes, but seawater does not.
The Last Poems of Ovid|Ovid
"That's so," said the other sailor, tormented like the other two by thirst, aggravated by his draughts of seawater.
Brave and Bold|Horatio Alger
As the plane went on it returned to a normal reading for fifty fathoms of seawater.
Talents, Incorporated|William Fitzgerald Jenkins
It was dank and heavy yet with the seawater, but she wound it about her head without noticing.
The Tidal Wave and Other Stories|Ethel May Dell
Words related to seawater
brine, briny, saline
Scientific definitions for seawater
[ sē′wô′tər ]
Salt water, normally with a salinity of 35 parts per thousand (3.5%), in or coming from the sea or ocean. Although seawater contains more than 70 elements, most seawater salts are ions of six major elements: chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The major sources of these salts are underwater volcanic eruptions, chemical reactions involving volcanic matter, and chemical weathering of rocks on the coasts. Seawater is believed to have had the same salinity for billions of years.