[ si-kyoo r ] SHOW IPA
adjective, se·cur·er, se·cur·est. free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
dependable; firm; not liable to fail, yield, become displaced, etc., as a support or a fastening: The building was secure, even in an earthquake.
affording safety, as a place: He needed a secure hideout.
in safe custody or keeping: Here in the vault the necklace was secure.
free from care; without anxiety: emotionally secure.
firmly established, as a relationship or reputation: He earned a secure place among the baseball immortals.
sure; certain; assured: secure of victory; secure in religious belief.
safe from penetration or interception by unauthorized persons: secure radio communications between army units.
Archaic . overconfident.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object), se·cured, se·cur·ing. to get hold or possession of; procure; obtain: to secure materials; to secure a high government position.
to free from danger or harm; make safe: Sandbags secured the town during the flood.
to effect; make certain of; ensure: The novel secured his reputation.
to make firm or fast, as by attaching: to secure a rope.
Finance . to assure payment of (a debt) by pledging property. to assure (a creditor) of payment by the pledge or mortgaging of property. to lock or fasten against intruders: to secure the doors.
to protect from attack by taking cover, by building fortifications, etc.: The regiment secured its position.
to capture (a person or animal): No one is safe until the murderer is secured.
to tie up (a person), especially by binding the person's arms or hands; pinion.
to guarantee the privacy or secrecy of: to secure diplomatic phone conversations.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used without object), se·cured, se·cur·ing. to be or become safe; have or obtain security.
Nautical . to cover openings and make movable objects fast: The crew was ordered to secure for sea. to be excused from duty: to secure from general quarters. Origin of secure 1525–35; from Latin sēcūrus “carefree,” equivalent to sē- se- + cūr(a) “care” (see cure) + -us adjective suffix; cf. sure
SYNONYMS FOR secure 1 protected.
2 stable, fast, fixed.
7 confident.
10 gain.
11 protect, guard, safeguard.
12 assure, guarantee.
synonym study for secure 1 . See safe. 10 . See get.
OTHER WORDS FROM secure se·cur·a·ble, adjective se·cure·ly, adverb se·cure·ness, noun se·cur·er, noun
o·ver·se·cure, adjective, verb (used with object), o·ver·se·cured, o·ver·se·cur·ing. o·ver·se·cure·ly, adverb pre·se·cure, verb (used with object), pre·se·cured, pre·se·cur·ing. qua·si-se·cure, adjective qua·si-se·cure·ly, adverb re·se·cure, verb, re·se·cured, re·se·cur·ing. su·per·se·cure, adjective su·per·se·cure·ly, adverb su·per·se·cure·ness, noun un·se·cure, adjective un·se·cure·ly, adverb un·se·cure·ness, noun well-se·cured, adjective
Words nearby secure secundigravida, secundine, secundines, secundipara, secundus, secure , secured loan, securement, secure server, secure tenancy, secure unit
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for secure Their leader, Njie, still going by “Dave” during the operation, would stay a safe distance away until the State House was secure .
The Shadowy U.S. Veteran Who Tried to Overthrow a Country | Jacob Siegel| January 6, 2015| DAILY BEAST
I need to resist my urge to talk them into my truth, just so I can feel more comfortable and secure .
In 2015, Let’s Try for More Compassion | Gene Robinson| January 4, 2015| DAILY BEAST
If someone wants to ensure a direct and secure connection, no entity, whether a hotel or otherwise, should be able to block it.
How ‘Ethical’ Hotel Chain Marriott Gouges Guests in the Name of Wi-Fi Security | Kyle Chayka| December 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
However, we have just had a necessary wake-up call that all is not as secure as we believed.
A Gift to the Jihadis: The Unseen Airport Security Threat | Clive Irving| December 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I want to bring this to your kind attention with the hope that you will help me secure an unbiased resolution.
An American Marine in Iran’s Prisons Goes on Hunger Strike | IranWire| December 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Within its walls he was as secure as was the ancient Hebrew in his city of refuge.
Milton's England | Lucia Ames Mead
The object of my life has been to secure the greatest amount of pleasure--that being the best thing of which we can conceive.
He had merely come to make himself sure that his prisoner was secure .
The Shepherd of the North | Richard Aumerle Maher
And yet how else are we to prevent the annoyance, and secure our property?
There She Blows! | William Hussey Macy
It is made very difficult for a woman to secure a divorce, etc.
The Modern Woman's Rights Movement | Kaethe Schirmacher
British Dictionary definitions for secure adjective free from danger, damage, etc
free from fear, care, etc
in safe custody
not likely to fail, become loose, etc
able to be relied on; certain a secure investment
nautical stowed away or made inoperative
archaic careless or overconfident
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (tr) to obtain or get possession of I will secure some good seats
(when intr, often foll by against ) to make or become free from danger, fear, etc
(tr) to make fast or firm; fasten
(when intr, often foll by against ) to make or become certain; guarantee this plan will secure your happiness
(tr) to assure (a creditor) of payment, as by giving security
(tr) to make (a military position) safe from attack
nautical to make (a vessel or its contents) safe or ready by battening down hatches, stowing gear, etc
(tr) nautical to stow or make inoperative to secure the radio
SEE MORE SEE LESS Derived forms of secure securable , adjective securely , adverb securement , noun secureness , noun
securer , noun
Word Origin for secure C16: from Latin sēcūrus free from care, from sē- without + cūra care
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to secure protected, solid, strong, sure, reliable, able, confident, easy, stable, insure, capture, buy, get, win, assure, ensure, gain, have, take, achieve