

单词 electroweak theory

electroweak theory

[ ih-lek-troh-week theer-ee ]
/ ɪˈlɛk troʊˌwik ˌθɪər i /

noun Physics.

a gauge theory that unifies quantum electrodynamics with the theory of weak interactions.
Also called Sa·lam-Wein·berg the·o·ry [sah-lahm-wahyn-berg], /sɑˈlɑmˈwaɪn bərg/, Wein·berg-Sa·lam the·o·ry [wahyn-berg-sah-lahm] /ˈwaɪn bərg sɑˈlɑm/ .
Compare intermediate vector boson.

Origin of electroweak theory

First recorded in 1975–80; electro- + weak; alternative names after U.S. physicist Steven Weinberg (born 1933) and Pakistani physicist Abdus Salam (1926–96)

Words nearby electroweak theory

electrovalency, electrovalent bond, electroweak, electroweak force, electroweak interaction, electroweak theory, electrowinning, electrum, electuary, eledoisin, eleemosynary
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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