a very large herbivorous mammal of the family Elephantidae, the only extant family of proboscideans and comprising the genera Loxodonta (African elephants) and Elephus (Asian elephants): elephants of all species are characterized by a long, prehensile trunk formed of the nose and upper lip, pillarlike legs, and prominent tusks, which are possessed by both genders of Loxodonta and just the males of Elephus.See also white elephant (def. 3).
a representation of this animal, used in the U.S. since 1874 as the emblem of the Republican Party.
Chiefly British. a size of drawing or writing paper, 23 × 28 inches (58 × 71 centimeters).
Idioms for elephant
elephant in the room, a problem or issue that everyone is aware of but that no one wants to talk about: Her dad’s depression has been the elephant in the room at family gatherings.
Origin of elephant
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English (from Anglo-French ), from Latin elephantus, from Greek elephant- (stem of eléphās ) “elephant”; replacing Middle English olifaunt, from Anglo-French, from unattested Vulgar Latin olifantus, for Latin elephantus. The idiom elephant in the room was first recorded in 1935–40
Yet cetaceans and elephants can fast for much longer, “and this somehow tells us that they must have found different ways to fuel their brain during periods of starvation,” Hiller said.
By Losing Genes, Life Often Evolved More Complexity|Viviane Callier|September 1, 2020|Quanta Magazine
The tusks of the dead elephants are still in place and, as yet, no other species have died under similar circumstances.
Scientists have some theories on why hundreds of elephants are mysteriously dying in Botswana|Vicky Boult|July 7, 2020|Quartz
Descriptions of elephants behaving oddly after binging on overripe fruit go back at least to 1875, Janiak says.
Why elephants and armadillos might easily get drunk|Susan Milius|June 4, 2020|Science News For Students
The new study reopens the long-running debate over whether elephants truly get tipsy gorging on marula fruit.
Why elephants and armadillos might easily get drunk|Susan Milius|June 4, 2020|Science News For Students
Previous administrations, Democrat or Republican, had not really confronted China as the elephant in the room.
Does the President Matter as Much as You Think? (Ep. 404)|Stephen J. Dubner|February 6, 2020|Freakonomics
Marcel the elephant takes readers on a journey through his life, recounting his memories full of travel and adventure.
The Daily Beast’s 2014 Holiday Gift Guide: For the Blue Ivy in Your Life|Allison McNearney|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The gentle, erudite soul within a body the public considered an oddity is the contrast at the heart of “The Elephant Man.”
The True Story of ‘The Elephant Man’|Russell Saunders|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Which brings us to the elephant in the room—the rapacious advance of online bookselling, personified by Amazon.
Amazon Won’t Kill the Indie Bookstore|Bill Morris|July 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So I felt, great, I went to James Bond and he said no, so I can now go to the doctor from The Elephant Man.
Jonathan Demme on Gaza, Transphobia in ‘The Silence of the Lambs,’ and Meryl Streep as a Rock Star|Marlow Stern|July 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The blood ivory trade caters to a small but hungry segment in China, yet grassroots efforts for elephant conservation do exist.
That elephant an me has been side-partners for fourteen years, an here you come between us.
Short Sixes|H. C. Bunner
No change, except that the order of the animals is Elephant, Camel, Ox.
The Talking Thrush|William Crooke
Why is it that any elephant, anywhere along the line, cannot start drinking, just as he or she pleases?
The Wonders of the Jungle|Prince Sarath Ghosh
This happened and that happened and if the news arrived at Key West as a mouse, it was often enough cabled north as an elephant.
Wounds in the rain|Stephen Crane
It is as large as an elephant, and its horns of enormous size; and even cave-tigers could not always master such cattle as they.
A Manual of the Antiquity of Man|J. P. MacLean
British Dictionary definitions for elephant
/ (ˈɛlɪfənt) /
either of the two proboscidean mammals of the family Elephantidae . The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the larger species, with large flapping ears and a less humped back than the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus), of S and SE Asia
mainlyBritisha size of writing paper, 23 by 28 inches
elephant in the rooman obvious truth deliberately ignored by all parties in a situation
Derived forms of elephant
elephantoid, adjective
Word Origin for elephant
C13: from Latin elephantus, from Greek elephas elephant, ivory, of uncertain origin
Democrats And Republicans: Why Are They Donkeys And Elephants?As American as ... an elephant? Donkeys and elephants may be ubiquitous in US politics today, but they weren't always mascots for Democrats and Republicans.
Learn The Elephant Words You’ll Never Forget (And Help WWF Save A Pachyderm Or Two)An elephant never forgets, and we shouldn't forget about them, either. Learn about the threats to survival elephants and other animals face with this list of important words—and what World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is doing to help.
Words related to elephant
boar, pachyderm, mammoth, tusker, mastodon
Cultural definitions for elephant
A symbol (see also symbol) of the Republican party, introduced in a series of political cartoons by Thomas Nast during the congressional elections of 1874. (Compare donkey.)