释义 |
[ zey-luhr ] / ˈzeɪ lər /
nounE·du·ard [ey-doo-ahrt], /ˈeɪ duˌɑrt/, 1859–1922, German archaeologist: first to decipher Mayan calendar and inscriptions. Words nearby Selerselenography, selenology, selenomorphology, selenotropism, selenous, Seler, Seles, Seleucia, Seleucid, Seleucidan, Seleucus Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for SelerThe third god is the serpent deity H or Seler's "young god." Commentary on the Maya Manuscript in the Royal Public Library of Dresden|Ernst Frsteman Dr Seler refers also to the glyph on which the long nose deity is seated, Dres. Day Symbols of the Maya Year|Cyrus Thomas Dr Seler, however, affirms that Ximenes (with what authority he knows not) gives “obsidian” as the meaning. Day Symbols of the Maya Year|Cyrus Thomas Dr. Seler,34-† suggests that they are “corrections,” to set each term ahead 20 days. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex|William E. Gates