释义 |
[ self-guhv-ern-muhnt, -er-muhnt, self- ] / ˌsɛlfˈgʌv ərn mənt, -ər mənt, ˈsɛlf- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR self-government ON THESAURUS.COM
nouncontrol of the government of a state, community, or other body by its own members; democratic government. the condition of being self-governed. self-control. Origin of self-governmentFirst recorded in 1725–35 Words nearby self-governmentself-fulfilment, self-generated, self-generating, self-generation, self-governed, self-government, self-gratification, self-hardening, self-harm, self-hatred, selfheal Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for self-governmentThis is ugly stuff, deeply self-defeating to the cause of self-government. The RNC’s Block-and-Blame Game|John Avlon|May 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST This is self-government committing economic suicide, putting ideological absolutism ahead of solving problems. Our Pathetic Congress|John Avlon|December 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST Then he compared them to coverage of actual news, the stuff of war and peace and self-government. Charlie Sheen's "Winning" Streak: Celebrity Gossip Is Making Us Stupid|John Avlon|January 1, 2012|DAILY BEAST Removing most barricades might constitute some small risk, but it is risk that comes with self-government. How Occupy Wall Street Flashed New York Back to 9/11|John Avlon|December 30, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Below are a few modest proposals that could help improve our capacity for self-government going forward. How Obama Can Win|John Avlon|November 5, 2011|DAILY BEAST On the other side was a people who had progressed far in self-government, and who resisted any limitation of their rights. The Siege of Boston|Allen French The people of these two countries are all experienced in self-government as a result of participation in political affairs. The Fight For The Republic in China|Bertram Lenox Putnam Weale We count ourselves the fittest people in the world for self-government, and we probably are. Elements of Debating|Leverett S. Lyon And we had developed two startling facts that go to show that our experiment of self-government is well-nigh a failure. Belford's Magazine, Vol II, No. 10, March 1889|Various Self-government at this stage would have certainly led to civil war. The Philippine Islands|John Foreman
British Dictionary definitions for self-government
nounthe government of a country, nation, etc, by its own people the state of being self-controlled an archaic term for self-control Derived forms of self-governmentself-governed, adjectiveself-governing, adjectiveCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to self-governmentautonomy, flexibility, discretion, immunity, sovereignty, independence, right, indulgence, bent, facility, abandonment, sweep, leeway, independency, prerogative, liberty, laxity, latitude, scope, play |