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[ self-sak-ruh-fahys, self- ] / ˌsɛlfˈsæk rəˌfaɪs, ˈsɛlf- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR self-sacrifice ON THESAURUS.COM
nounsacrifice of one's interests, desires, etc., as for duty or the good of another. Origin of self-sacrificeFirst recorded in 1795–1805 OTHER WORDS FROM self-sacrificeself-sac·ri·fic·er, nounself-sac·ri·fi·cial [self-sak-ruh-fish-uhl, self-], /ˈsɛlfˌsæk rəˈfɪʃ əl, ˌsɛlf-/, adjectiveself-sac·ri·fic·ing, adjectiveself-sac·ri·fic·ing·ly, adverb self-sac·ri·fic·ing·ness, nounun·self-sac·ri·fi·cial, adjectiveun·self-sac·ri·fi·cial·ly, adverbun·self-sac·ri·fic·ing, adjective Words nearby self-sacrificeSelfridge, self-righteous, self-righting, self-rising, self-rule, self-sacrifice, selfsame, self-satisfaction, self-satisfied, self-satisfying, self-sealing Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for self-sacrificeBoth followed wars; people were tired of idealism and self-sacrifice and were determined to enjoy a self- indulgent materialism. How Rock and Roll Killed Jim Crow|Dennis McNally|October 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST This name carries a legacy of reconciliation (St. Francis was famous for his outreach to the Muslim world), and of self-sacrifice. Pope Francis: He Could Be Really Great|Joshua DuBois|March 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST It may just require some self-sacrifice like, say, selling your car to afford the chemo. Todd Akin’s Most Outrageous Comments (VIDEO)|The Daily Beast|August 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST Your capacity for self-sacrifice grows when you feel unbearable pain. Hector Abad On “Oblivion: A Memoir,” a Memorial to His Murdered Father|Maya Jaggi|April 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
That's self-sacrifice, I suppose; but there must be some satisfaction in it. Man And Superman|George Bernard Shaw The fatallest furies of scientific are consistent with the most noble powers of self-restraint and self-sacrifice. The Eagle's Nest|John Ruskin Honor, humanity, self-sacrifice were the original principles of his character, the atmosphere of his being. Timar's Two Worlds|Mr Jkai "There is no happy life for woman—the advantage that the world offers her is her choice in self-sacrifice," wrote Mr. Howells. The nuns' faces are typical of the strong yet tender qualities developed in a life of seclusion and self-sacrifice. A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery, Volume I, Foreign Schools|Various
British Dictionary definitions for self-sacrifice
nounthe sacrifice of one's own desires, interest, etc, for the sake of duty or for the well-being of others Derived forms of self-sacrificeself-sacrificing, adjectiveself-sacrificingly, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to self-sacrificepersecution, repudiation, disavowal, pain, distress, torture, agony, sacrifice, ordeal, unselfishness, torment, affliction, crucifixion, mortification, anguish, devotion, relinquishment, self-denial, abdication, abstention |