non·en·light·ened,adjectivenon·en·light·en·ing,adjectivepre·en·light·en,verb (used with object)pre·en·light·en·er,nounre·en·light·en,verb (used with object)un·en·light·ened,adjectiveun·en·light·en·ing,adjectivewell-en·light·ened,adjective
We were dazzled by the pitches from budding startup teams, and we were enlightened by the investors sharing their wealth of knowledge about the ecosystem.
Extra Crunch support expands into Argentina, Brazil and Mexico|Travis Bernard|July 7, 2020|TechCrunch
I’m just acknowledging that in the emotional grip of a relationship crisis like that, not many of us are enlightened enough to do that.
What Does Covid-19 Mean for Cities (and Marriages)? (Ep. 410)|Stephen J. Dubner|March 26, 2020|Freakonomics
Maybe some of you Brits who followed me over from the dear old Graun could enlighten.
Yes, I Like Christmas Music. Stop Laughing.|Michael Tomasky|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Creator Rod Serling was compelled by the need “not to just entertain but to enlighten.”
How a War-Weary Vet Created ‘The Twilight Zone’|Rich Goldstein|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
With Sinclair as our non-judgmental guide, we see that these revelations are not meant to shock us but, perhaps, enlighten us.
‘High Maintenance,’ Like a Good High, Is Funny and Sometimes Unsettling|Caitlin Dickson|November 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They're supposed to give audiences hope and enlighten them while promoting positive emotions.