

单词 sephardi

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/ (sɪˈfɑːdiː) /

noun plural -dim (-dɪm) Judaism

  1. a Jew of Spanish, Portuguese, or North African descent
  2. (loosely) any Oriental Jew
the pronunciation of Hebrew used by these Jews, and of Modern Hebrew as spoken in Israel
(modifier) of or pertaining to the Sephardim, esp to their liturgy and ritual
(modifier) of or pertaining to the liturgy adopted by certain European, esp Chassidic, communities who believe it to be more authentic but nonetheless differing from the genuine Oriental liturgy
Compare Ashkenazi

Derived forms of Sephardi

Sephardic, adjective

Word Origin for Sephardi

C19: from Late Hebrew, from Hebrew sepharad a region mentioned in Obadiah 20, thought to have been Spain

Words nearby Sephardi

separative, separator, separatory, separatrix, Seph., Sephardi, Sephardim, Sepharvites, Sepher Torah, sepia, Sepik
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