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[ ser-mon-ik ] / sərˈmɒn ɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR sermonic ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveof, relating to, or resembling a sermon. Sometimes ser·mon·i·cal . Origin of sermonicFirst recorded in 1755–65; sermon + -ic OTHER WORDS FROM sermonicser·mon·i·cal·ly, adverbWords nearby sermonicSerkin, Serlio, SERM, sermon, sermonette, sermonic, sermonize, Sermon on the Mount, sero-, serocolitis, seroconversion Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for sermonicThis new volume by the popular preacher is a contribution of distinct value to current sermonic literature. The Whole Armour of God|John Henry Jowett The chief faults, however, of this sermonic pamphlet are its pious, but personal abuse of Dr. Trapp. The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, Volume I (of 2)|Luke Tyerman Minor characters serve as a chorus as the case proceeds, and the final effect is sermonic rather than novelistic. A History of American Literature Since 1870|Fred Lewis Pattee With its politics and other matter I have nothing to do; but for the sermonic matter I hold myself responsible. The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882|Joseph Wild
Words related to sermonicdidactic, disciplinary, expository, instructional, instructive, moralizing, preaching, teaching, admonitory, edifying, disquisitional, doctrinal, sermonizing, academic, advisory, homiletic, moral, pedagogic, pedantic, preachy |