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[ ih-pit-uh-mahyz ] / ɪˈpɪt əˌmaɪz / SEE SYNONYMS FOR epitomize ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object), e·pit·o·mized, e·pit·o·miz·ing.to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of; typify: This meadow epitomizes the beauty of the whole area. to make an epitome of: to epitomize an argument. Also especially British, e·pit·o·mise . Origin of epitomizeFirst recorded in 1590–1600; epitom(e) + -ize OTHER WORDS FROM epitomizee·pit·o·mi·za·tion, noune·pit·o·miz·er, nounun·e·pit·o·mized, adjectiveWords nearby epitomizeepithelium, epithelization, epithet, epitome, epitomist, epitomize, epitope, epitrachelion, epitrichium, epitrochoid, epitympanic Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for epitomizeThe transportation service—and others like it—epitomize what the sharing economy is all about. One of a Kind Gifts Are Only a Neighbor Away|Lawrence Ferber|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST The brand soon came to epitomize both the best and worst parts of the culture. It Was All a Dream: Drama, Bullshit, and the Rebirth of The Source Magazine|Alex Suskind|October 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST We have created a romanticized image that mothers are supposed to be sexless and epitomize the perfect homemaker. Stormy Daniels on Being a Porn-Star Mom|Kristin Battista-Frazee|August 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST Michelle and Barack epitomize what my father set the stage for—they epitomize global community organizing. Malcolm X's Daughter Rebukes Al Qaeda Leader|Max Blumenthal|November 21, 2008|DAILY BEAST
He and Michelle, in my heart, this is my personal feeling, epitomize what my mother and my father were. Malcolm X's Daughter Rebukes Al Qaeda Leader|Max Blumenthal|November 21, 2008|DAILY BEAST It may be taken to epitomize the saner public opinion of England upon the meaning and lessons of the episode. Danger! and Other Stories|Arthur Conan Doyle They seemed to epitomize not merely a nation, not merely a flag, but the unbreakable sanctity of human rights and human life. Expository Writing|Mervin James Curl Doesn't that epitomize the contempt of the highlander for the lowlander? In the Oregon Country|George Palmer Putnam They epitomize all the thought, passion, and poetry of a nation and of a period. The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn, Volume 1|Elizabeth Bisland To epitomize the facts; the total of London hospitals or infirmaries with wards for the sick amounts to 49. Social Transformations of the Victorian Age|T. H. S. (Thomas Hay Sweet) Escott
British Dictionary definitions for epitomize
verb (tr)to be a personification of; typify to make an epitome of Derived forms of epitomizeepitomist, nounepitomization or epitomisation, nounepitomizer or epitomiser, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to epitomizeexemplify, represent, characterize, personify, embody, symbolize, stand for, illustrate, sum up, summarize, model, mean, cut, abbreviate, shorten, reduce, condense, contract, abridge, digest |