[ er -uh nt ] SHOW IPA
adjective deviating from the regular or proper course; erring; straying.
journeying or traveling, as a medieval knight in quest of adventure; roving adventurously.
moving in an aimless or lightly changing manner: an errant breeze.
Origin of errant 1300–50; Middle English erraunt <Middle French, Old French errant, present participle of errer, edrer to travel <Vulgar Latin *iterāre to journey, for Late Latin itinerārī, derivative of iter, stem itiner- journey (see itinerary); confused with Middle French errant, present participle of errer to err
OTHER WORDS FROM errant er·rant·ly, adverb non·er·rant, adjective non·er·rant·ly, adverb un·er·rant, adjective
un·er·rant·ly, adverb
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH errant arrant, errant Words nearby errant ERPF, err, errancy, errand, errand boy, errant , errantry, errare humanum est, errata, erratic, erratum
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for errant Some things have changed a lot since 1984 when the errant Father Buck wrote to his young love interest.
How Sicko Priests Got Away With It | Barbie Latza Nadeau| November 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The errant flashes of light in your brain depicting this possibility are strong enough to make you wince and want to cry.
Whatever You Do Someone Will Die. A Short Story About Impossible Choices in Iraq | Nathan Bradley Bethea| August 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Gone were the ugly memories of errant throws to the wrong bases or ill-advised cutoffs.
Why Do We Forgive Manny Ramirez for Being Manny? | Allen Barra| June 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
There was a cruel irony in him being killed from above by an errant bomb dropped by an American B-1 bomber.
It Wasn’t Just Bergdahl. On Afghanistan, All of America Is AWOL. | Michael Daly| June 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It took searchers almost two weeks to find the errant missile.
A Mob-Defying Former Mayor Knows Why New Jersey Is So Corrupt | Burt Ross| February 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But then—we were like two errant school-girls, who had been caught m an escapade!
Sylvia's Marriage | Upton Sinclair
The Scottish king would none of the alliance for years; James preferred hypothetical brides and errant affairs.
The Spell of Scotland | Keith Clark
And it was an even more precise instinct which made Browning make the errant benefactor a woman.
Robert Browning | G. K. Chesterton
All the Stewarts had errant souls, and they loved to wander their kingdom through.
The Spell of Scotland | Keith Clark
And thither, sad to relate, the footsteps of the errant Minstrel Knight led the way.
Great Opera Stories | Millicent Schwab Bender
British Dictionary definitions for errant adjective (often postpositive) archaic , or literary wandering in search of adventure
erring or straying from the right course or accepted standards
Derived forms of errant errantly , adverb Word Origin for errant C14: from Old French: journeying, from Vulgar Latin iterāre (unattested), from Latin iter journey; influenced by Latin errāre to err
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to errant stray, wayward, aberrant, unorthodox, erratic, offending, deviating, devious, erring, fallible, heretic, meandering, mischievous, miscreant, naughty, rambling, roaming, roving, sinning, straying