sexual dwarf, sexual generation, sexual harassment, sexual infantilism, sexual intercourse, sexuality, sexualize, sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual orientation, sexual relations
Ashley Brown, an assistant professor of Entertainment Arts and Engineering at the University of Utah, studies sexuality and games.
Playing bad can shape behavior, but not in the way you think|Erin Blakemore|September 28, 2020|Popular Science
I think my generation is really curious about technology, about the different ways we can make money, about what a career means, what an identity means, what sexuality means.
How Would You Describe Millennials In One Word?|Candice Bradley|July 21, 2020|Everything After Z
Every individual has the right to embrace their sexuality, gender, and orientation.
The Rainbow Flag That Is Invisible To The Indian Society!|LGBTQ-Editor|July 2, 2020|No Straight News
This group frequently suggested that since equality has already been achieved in America, sexuality and gender identity should not be given special protection.
Devil In The Detail Of SCOTUS Ruling On Workplace Bias Puts LGBTQ Rights And Religious Freedom On Collision Course|LGBTQ-Editor|June 22, 2020|No Straight News
And, if your teen is facing serious hardship due to their identity, special counselors exist to assist those who struggle due to their unaccepted genders and sexualities.
What Do I Do If My Teen Comes Out As Non-Binary?|LGBTQ-Editor|April 3, 2020|No Straight News
Margot Canaday here at Princeton writes on sexuality and American politics.
Thank Congress, Not LBJ for Great Society|Julian Zelizer, Scott Porch|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
A 64-year-old animal trainer, he makes the six-hour round-trip every two weeks to submit to her and explore his sexuality.
Dungeons and Genital Clamps: Inside a Legendary BDSM Chateau|Ian Frisch|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Not to mention the core Christian idea that sexuality is, itself, a necessary evil, and something that must be repressed.
Church Sex Scandals Are Rooted in Theology|Jay Michaelson|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He had married, and had an affair, while he was writing Lady Macbeth, and the opera was alive with sexuality.
When Stalin Met Lady Macbeth|Brian Moynahan|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You will not find many people who feel the need to broadcast their sexuality.
China’s Gay Hook-Up App Is a Cash Cow|Charlotte Lytton|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He had felt emasculated, nearer to the angels, cleansed of sexuality.
Abbe Mouret's Transgression|Emile Zola
He abhorred the intricacies of sexuality in fiction as strongly as he abhorred modern "sensationalism."
Charles Lever, His Life in His Letters, Vol. I (of II)|Edmund Downey
Sexuality unfolds in an unrestricted set of varieties, escaping some of its natural determination.
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
It must suffice to present only the chief events of these, that is the events of sexuality.
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology|C. G. Jung
Sexuality is not absent in the child, it is merely different, being unorganized and imperfectly adapted to its later functions.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry|Bernard Glueck
British Dictionary definitions for sexuality
/ (ˌsɛksjʊˈælɪtɪ) /
the state or quality of being sexual
preoccupation with or involvement in sexual matters
How Young People Are Redefining Sexuality And Romantic AttractionHow young queer people are identifying their sexual and romantic orientations is expanding—as is the language they use to do it.
What Does It Mean To Be Asexual?Ace Week is a time to learn about and celebrate asexuality, romantic orientation, relationship types, and the emerging language the community is using.