He then decided he’d had enough of eking out small advances in esoteric areas of physics, and he got ready to begin a postdoc at Princeton University in the more wide-open field of neuroscience.
An Unexpected Twist Lights Up the Secrets of Turbulence|David H. Freedman|September 3, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Which includes what seem to me like fairly esoteric ways of getting STDs such as, for example, mosquito bites.
Who Among Us Has Not Seduced the Pool Boy?|Eugene Robinson|August 30, 2020|Ozy
At the same time, the book delves deep into gritty physics details, thoroughly explaining important concepts like the cosmic microwave background — the oldest light in the universe — and tackling esoteric topics in theoretical physics.
‘The End of Everything’ explores the ways the universe could perish|Emily Conover|August 4, 2020|Science News
There is a pill in Tibetan Buddhism that contains a lot of esoteric ingredients, some of which are bodily substances.
How to Think With Your Gut|Mindy Farabee|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He noted that some esoteric historians call them “Palestinians.”
Moshe Feiglin Is Now Mainstream|Gabriel Fisher|December 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Suddenly you can hold forth about leading and kerning and other esoteric aspects of typesetting.
Instagram App Deepens Class Warfare Between Apple and Android Smartphones|Dan Lyons|April 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In the old days it was not uncommon for the admissions officer to pose some esoteric—make that wacko—question.
Do College Interviews Count?|Steve Cohen, Mike Muska|October 6, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Dig deeper into exotic and esoteric areas of interest for direction in creative pursuits, especially.