Upstream from Etzanoa sites, excavations have uncovered remnants of a separate Wichita town that ran for about three kilometers, he says.
Drones find signs of a Native American ‘Great Settlement’ beneath a Kansas pasture|Bruce Bower|September 10, 2020|Science News
Blakeslee plans to explore more underground features of the Kansas site with additional remote sensing techniques before starting excavations so that digging can precisely target the earthwork and any surrounding remains.
Drones find signs of a Native American ‘Great Settlement’ beneath a Kansas pasture|Bruce Bower|September 10, 2020|Science News
PG&E, whose transmission lines were determined to have sparked the blaze, launched a major cleanup effort, including hiring a fleet of hydrovac trucks — special excavation equipment for digging around buried wires and gas lines.
The Mystery House: How a Suspicious Multimillion Dollar Real Estate Deal Is Connected to California’s Deadliest Fire|by Scott Morris, Bay City News Foundation|August 26, 2020|ProPublica
Jenkins had written entirely from secondary literature—no interviews or excavation of legal documents.
How the ‘Witch Hunt’ Myth Undermined American Justice|Jason Berry|July 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I was writing an article for Outside, whose expense money helped finance the excavation.
Incontrovertible Evidence Proves the First Americans Came From Asia|Doug Peacock|March 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He, not Hylton, the author of Vanished, is the one who has done most of the research on the pilots and their excavation process.
Will These Men Ever Come Home? The Search for Missing WWII Pilots in “Vanished”|Jordan Michael Smith|November 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Hundreds of years of excavation has left seven gorgeous chambers carved into the salt rock throughout the floors.
Wieliczka Salt Mine Is an Incredible Polish Underground Amusement Park|Nina Strochlic|November 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“He is in a row,” says Erin Kimmerle, an associate professor of anthropology with USF, who is leading the excavation.
The Bone Collectors Get to Work at Florida’s Dozier School|Christine Pelisek|September 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
While filling in the excavation, the pipe represented in Fig. 22 was found in the dirt which had been removed from it.
Burial Mounds of the Northern Sections of the United States|Cyrus Thomas
The rule is, the excavation must be made in a reasonable manner.
Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman|Albert Sidney Bolles
The excavation was done mostly at night, the ground being illuminated by magnesium light.
Lights and Shadows of New York Life|James D. McCabe
Calculating an average monthly excavation of a million cubic yards, the task would have required 17 years to complete.
The Panama Canal|Frederic Jennings Haskin
On November 7th, 1904, the excavation east of the intercepting arch was begun by driving a bottom heading in the South Tunnel.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910|B. H. M. Hewett