In more than 30 cities demonstrators clashed with police, who responded to their marches with excessive violence.
Belarus Election: Contested Result Sparks Massive Unrest As Europe’s ‘Last Dictator’ Claims Victory|LGBTQ-Editor|August 12, 2020|No Straight News
From 2011 to 2015, an average of 93,296 deaths annually could be tied to excessive alcohol use, or 255 deaths per day.
Heavy drinking drove hundreds of thousands of Americans to early graves|Aimee Cunningham|August 3, 2020|Science News
The excessive show of immune cell force spurs inflammation and cell death, which can stoke yet more inflammation and cell death.
Why COVID-19 is both startlingly unique and painfully familiar|Aimee Cunningham|July 2, 2020|Science News
From the customer’s standpoint, such ads help to stay away from excessive details, yet it is enough to resurface the brand in the memory when a purchase is being planned.
Hottest user-centric video advertising trends of 2020: CTV, vertical, and social formats|Ivan Guzenko|June 12, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Officers who are the subject of previous civilian complaints – regardless of whether those complaints are for excessive force, verbal abuse or unlawful searches – pose a higher risk of engaging in serious misconduct in the future.
Police Officers Accused Of Brutal Violence Often Have A History Of Complaints By Citizens|LGBTQ-Editor|June 1, 2020|No Straight News
Excessive force to combat minor infractions of the law is the central issue today.
The GOP and Police Unions: A Love Story|Eleanor Clift|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The list of banned items from the BBFC seems altogether ridiculous and excessive.
Why Has Female Ejaculation Been Banned in British Porn?|Emily Shire|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Excessive alcohol consumption is a major public health problem in the United States.
Americans Drink Too Much, But We’re Not All Alcoholics|Gabrielle Glaser|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For men, excessive, or binge drinking, is defined as five or more drinks at one time, or more than 15 drinks during the week.
Americans Drink Too Much, But We’re Not All Alcoholics|Gabrielle Glaser|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Women who drink while pregnant—any amount—as well as underage drinkers, are also defined as “excessive drinkers.”
Americans Drink Too Much, But We’re Not All Alcoholics|Gabrielle Glaser|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This increase was excessive and altogether unnecessary to the maintenance of thorough and progressive government.
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, May, 1900|Various
It is giving him no excessive praise to say that he makes himself as interesting as Johnson and Boswell together.
The Age of Dryden|Richard Garnett
She really was a splendid animal, unhurt either by excessive work or—as many modern mothers are—by a rotten fashionable life.
Here and Hereafter|Barry Pain
Yet his poverty was excessive, for the beautiful statue, modeled during successive months with much love, fell to pieces.
Rodin: The Man and his Art|Judith Cladel
It is kept vigorously upon the stretch of excessive vigilance.
The Mirror of the Sea|Joseph Conrad
British Dictionary definitions for excessive
/ (ɪkˈsɛsɪv) /
exceeding the normal or permitted extents or limits; immoderate; inordinate